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Alice bolted. She could hear the patter of footsteps behind her, two pairs. A quick glance revealed Julius's blue, cat-like ears, and Lucy's light red hair behind them.

"Where are we going?!" Jude cried.

"I... I don't know!" Alice confessed. "We'll figure it out on the way there!" A dagger whisked past Valentina's face. She shrieked and sped up.

Mali was getting heavier and heavier in Alice's arms. Still, Alice continued running as fast as she could. They were leaving the Ace Sector, heading toward the Spade Sector.

Alice felt herself subconsciously heading toward her childhood home. She knew everybody followed her. They needed to lose Julius and Lucy. Alice turned left and right through the streets, trying to throw them off. She ran toward home.

Home. Or at least it used to be.

If I go home, Julius and Lucy will follow us there. Mom's there! Alice realized. She turned suddenly, curving into the woods that bordered Dinah City from the rest of Wonderland.

"Where are you going?!" Valentina demanded. She wasn't angry, more fretful.

"I know a place!" Alice replied. She had to shout over the wind.

"You can't take us into the forest! Wonderland will attack us!" Jude protested.

She was right. Wonderland hated those who lived in Dinah City, it repelled them and fought against their presence. "Not with me here it won't!"

While that settled in, they entered the forest. Alice was panting heavily. She knew she couldn't stop. There was that light in the woods, those many months ago.

Alice recalled coming so close to a compelling, bright presence, before Lori had interrupted. Everything in her body pulled her there. We'll be safe there. She knew.

There. A light ahead. The group paused just as Alice parted the bushes.

A hole in the ground. Only, you couldn't see the bottom, because it was glowing too brightly.

Alice pushed Jude into the hole. She shouted in alarm, and Valentina gasped. Alice grabbed her arm before jumping in herself.

Fall of Wonderland!Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ