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"Ever drifting down the stream—
Lingering in the golden gleam—
What is it but a dream?"


Alice stood in a tank. The ground beneath her feet was cold and wet. The tile was stained an odd shade of green. Alice had no problem with small spaces, and so she calmly scanned the tank for an exit.

That's when she heard a faucet turn on. Water was filling the tank.

Alice broke.

She banged her fists against the walls of the tank, trying in vain to crack it. She sobbed and screamed, thrashing about as the water reached her knees, her waist, her shoulders.

"Please..." Alice gently banged her head against the glass. "Not like this." The water was rising now, faster and faster. It was at her chin.

"Please!" Alice screamed again pushing her head to the top so she could breathe.

The tank filled.

Alice held her breath for a moment. Then she let the water inside, her lungs filling, her mouth and nose all suffocating...

Alice woke with a scream. Her whole body was shivering even while she was sweating buckets.

"It was just a dream..." Alice whispered. "Just a nightmare."

Her door creaked open. Mali stood at the entrance, wearing her violet striped pajamas that matched her hair. She looked odd without her glasses.


"Sorry..." Alice winced. "I woke you all, didn't I?"

"Oh, it was just Anahita, Valentina, and I. I, erm, told them about your nightmares."

"That's okay."

Mali sat on the bed next to her. "You know, sometimes when you have night terrors like that, everything in the room floats."


"I guess it's your powers, huh? I remember seeing it for the first time when we were younger and being scared. Now, I just..."


"I'm fascinated. I want to tear you apart and figure out how you work sometimes. And not just because you're the Ace or a Wild Wonder."

"Why else, then?"

"You're so complex. Most of the people in Dinah City fit into a specific mold. They're happy being one type of person. It amazes me that you can be both bookish, passionate, creative, and stubborn all at the same time. I was so sure you'd be Club, you know."

Alice smiled. "Thank you for being here, Mali. You're the best friend I've ever had."

"I'm the only friend you've ever had." Mali giggled.

"Do you want to come with me to visit Lori?"

"Is that even a question?" Mali stood up. "You gonna be alright?"

Alice nodded. "I'll see you tomorrow."

With that, Mali waved and went back to her rooms.


This time, Alice did not wake screaming. She woke after what felt like an instant after falling asleep, and stretched.

Then, she quickly dressed into one of her favorite shirts (sleeveless orange button-up with a Peter Pan collar) and a pink circle skirt.

Alice did her hair as she usually did, only this time her hair was white. It was an odd sight to see in the mirror. She tied up part of it into two buns, and left the other part to hang loosely to her shoulders.

Alice was tall and lanky, with curly white hair and silver eyes. She had dark skin and circular lips. In addition, little horns poked from her head. This was her Mark of Wonder.

Mali knocked on the door, and Alice let her in as she grabbed her purse. Mali wore a white polo with a black pleated skirt that matched her bini. Her circular glasses were back on her face. "You ready?"


"Let's head out, come on."

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