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"Oh, how I long to run away from normal days! I want to run wild with my imagination."


Today would be the sixth day where Alice spent the whole day in the training room, practicing her powers.

This time, she knew for certain she could call on her abilities at will. Excitedly, she dragged a grudging Anahita and an excited Mali over to her section of the training room. "Look! Watch this, I can finally do it whenever I want to!"

Mali and Anahita sat cross-legged on the mat in front of Alice. Anahita looked bored, but Mali was expectant. Alice knew Anahita well enough at this point to know that she would be proud, even if she refused to show it.

Alice took a deep breath, letting herself zone out. She pictured everything in the room floating around gently. Her eyes began to glow, and she thrust her arms forward.

Sounds of shock and wonder escaped Anahita and Mali as they began to hover a few feet above the ground, a silvery tint surrounded every object.

"That's amazing!" Mali exclaimed. "You finally figured out how to do it!"

"And that's not all." Alice smirked. It felt a bit mean to brag about her abilities, considering she had been using them subtly her whole life. She had such an advantage over everybody else. Many could merely summon their element, few had it mastered. Anahita had nature magic mastered, of course. Alice hoped she could help Mali and Julius at least. Valentina could fend for herself.

"Do you want me to show you, Mali? It might help you with your abilities." Alice asked.

"Of course. I'm proud of you, Alice."

Alice held her hands together and concentrated as she closed her eyes. Much like her wind magic, her eyes glowed a vibrant white. A light exploded from her hands, forming a bow and arrow. Alice grinned, showing it off.

Anahita's eyes widened. She was impressed, Alice could tell. "What do you think?"

"That's awesome!" Both Anahita and Mali exclaimed at the same time.


Alice walked into the training room, searching for Mali. She frowned, before remembering that she was sick today. Julius, then. Alice preferred the dirtbag over the prissy princess.
She made a face. Anahita was working with Julius, which left... Valentina.

To be fair, Valentina wasn't very happy about it either. Alice calmed herself with a deep breath. Maybe she didn't need to be so harsh on Valentina. Being nice to her could make a difference.

Alice gave a forced smile and waved. "So, I guess I'll be working with you today?"

Valentina's eyes were full of competition, but her smile was genuine. Alice shivered. How is she so good at acting? "Good morning, Alice. I'm just starting to learn how to aim the fire in the direction I want it to go in."

Alice nodded. "I struggled with the same problem. Here, I'll show you." She leaned over Valentina, positioning her arms in a more closed position. She looked down at her, their faces inches apart. "Now, once I move out of the way, try thinking of the fire as a ball. It's all in the way you imagine it."

Valentina nodded, her cheeks a bit red. Alice paused for a moment there, confused as to why, before stepping back quickly. She hadn't meant to make Valentina uncomfortable.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to invade your personal space." Alice quickly apologized.

Valentina frowned. "It wasn't a big deal until you brought it up." She snapped.

"It felt necessary, guess I should have just let things stay awkward. You already hate me enough."

"Oh, please. You're the egotistical brat who started this all." Valentina rebutted.

"Just because you can't keep your emotions in check, doesn't mean you should give me a whole lecture!" Alice Liked Valentina in the chest. Fire sparked in the air around them.

"What is your problem?" Valentina stepped back. "Just leave me alone!" She yelled, fireballs curled in her fists.

Alice smiled. "Look, you're controlling it." She flicked Valentina's nose as the Heart Knave realized what Alice had been doing. "You're welcome."

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