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Valentina dressed simply, of course. They had only bought a few outfits in the village, fixing up their exquisite gowns and trading them in. Either the gowns were worth a lot, or the villagers were just being too kind. Regardless, she had thanked them endlessly. Her gown was a mousy-brown, and buttoned down the length of it. She was still adjusting back to her blonde hair.

Alice wore a button-up shirt and a black skirt, very similar to Mali's outfit. Jude's cloak covered most of her pale-orange dress. The group smiled and laughed as they traveled to the main square. There, a huge table was laden with all sorts of food. Most of the villagers sat down the length of it, while others danced nearby under the lantern light. One of the villagers was a turtle man, and another had huge bird wings. There were about thirty who lived in the village altogether.

Valentina sat down, and everybody began to eat. She chose her meals carefully, trying not to look picky because she was a vegetarian, and most of the food was meat. If she ate it now, she would be sick, and she had no interest in doing so anyway.

Soon the meal was finished, along with a second course and desert. Valentina considered retiring to her rooms, and began to walk off. Alice grabbed her arm, locking their elbows together in a friendly gesture. They danced around in a circle, kicking their feet until it was time to switch to a new partner. Valentina's eyes were glued to Alice the entire time, of course. She even caught the Ace staring back a few times.

She noticed a dark haired girl pour Alice a deep blue liquid into a wine glass. In fact, Alice didn't seem to be able to get enough of it. Valentina stopped dancing, leaving the shy boy who had locked arms with her after a partner change a bit disappointed. He had a raccoon tail, Alice wasn't into it.

"Hey Alice, what are you drinking?" Valentina asked.

Alice shrugged. "I don't know. It's really sweet, probably sugary." Valentina felt her stomach twist. Please let this drink be something else... Alice had drunk five or six cups of it. "Let me try a sip."

Valentina felt the flavor on her tongue. It burned going down. Oh no. She winced. "Alice, are you feeling alright?"

Alice smiled a bit lopsidedly. "Are you feeling alright?" She giggled.

Valentina groaned. "Who gave you this drink?"

"Some girl. Why? Are you jealous?"

Valentina made a face at that. "You're being nonsensical, let's get back to the Inn."

"Why would we leave such a great party?" Alice smiled stupidly, her words slurred together. Somebody had intentionally gotten her drunk, she was sure of it.

"You'll embarrass yourself or get hurt. Look, you can barely walk." Alice struggled to take steps as she leaned against Valentina. The drink she had been offered was called Indigo Whiskey, though it wasn't anything like whiskey. Indigo was stronger, and tasted less bitter. Sometimes it was hard to tell it was alcohol. Not only that, but the drink contained Nightshade, which was often used in truth-telling serums. It was banned in Dinah City, but no law affected the Wild Wonderland.

"But I've got you to hold me up, Love." Alice crooned.

"You're being an idiot."

"I'm being serious!" Alice defended, only her slow speech made it very clear she wasn't thinking right. Valentina tried her best to remember any further information on Indigo Whiskey. It was very strong, only a cup or two would get you drunk. That, and it wouldn't give you a hangover. It mostly just made you delirious and say stuff you wouldn't have said sober... no matter how embarrassing or secretive, Indigo Whiskey would make you confess it all. Valentina hoped she could shut Alice up long enough before she did something she would regret.

Alice stopped in the middle of a dirt road, empty and dim because most of the village was out celebrating. "Val..."

"Don't say anything." Valentina snapped, though deep down she wanted to hear what Alice had to say.

"No!" Alice replied. "I have to..." She looked around in confusion before remembering. "Tell you something."

"What? Make it snappy."

"I love you..." Alice drawled. Under any other circumstances, Valentina would have felt their situation was romantic. But Alice could barely walk and speak, and was in no place to be saying such nonsense.

It's the drink talking. Valentina reminded herself. She pulled Alice's arm, trying to get her to move forward. She swayed, but stayed with her feet planted in place. "Alice, come on!" Valentina groaned, right as drunken Alice kissed her.

For one moment, it was nothing but the two of them. Again Valentina warred with the part of her who wanted this versus the part that knew reason. She pushed Alice away, trying not to dwell on the stricken look on her face. "You'd never do that sober, Alice. You can't consent if you're drunk."

Alice pouted all the way back to the Inn. Valentina unlocked Alice's rooms, and laid her down on the bed before sitting down beside her.

"I'm sorry that I hurt you by pulling away. You'll be glad I did in the morning, though." Valentina laughed a little.

"There are stars on my hands!" Alice babbled before finally falling fast asleep.

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