chapter • six

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"Glad to have you back, Daiyin," the earthbender gives the girl a friendly slap between her shoulder blades. They were all hanging out in the gym, training for the upcoming probending finale against the Wolfbats. The Fire Ferrets were quite sure on their chances against the pompous Tahno and his gang and were eager to play the match.

The princess shows him a death glare that even Korra has not seen in ages. "I suggest you take that hand away, otherwise I might have to burn it." Bolin quickly pulls his hand away. He nods quickly that he understood her. Daiyin grins and claps in her hands. "Great. Now, excuse me while I go and sit in my corner. My own mind is far much more interesting than this pathetic excuse that is named as bending."

She walks towards the wall and sits down to meditate. Within a few seconds she seemed already zen. The Avatar was never able to understand how she does it, but ignores her as they all continue practice. Everything was going well as they were enjoying their time and listening to music over the radio. A few hours later, however, the man that was the lead role of Korra's latest nightmares interrupted their exercise with a speech.

Amon was threatening the council to close the Arena for the finale and that there would be severe consequences if they decided not to. Their mood got sullen, but Korra was not about to give up. She bothers Daiyin during her meditation and they all head to City Hall. The Avatar barges in in the middle of their meeting and speaks her opinion.

The council looks at the four benders that walk up to them. The Fire Nation representative gasps when looking over Korra's shoulder at her princess. Daiyin notices the unwanted attention almost immediately. She crosses eyes with the elderly woman and shakes her head unnoticably. The council member nods and looks away. She got the message that the princess did not want attention to be drawn to her.

When Korra wasn't able to get through to Tenzin, she focuses on Tarrlok. After all, he never wanted to bow down to whatever Amon wanted. Sadly, even he was convinced that they should close the arena. Mako and Bolin add into Korra's defense as well, but the council was unanimous. What no one had expected to happen was for the Chief of Police, Lin Beifong, to enter city hall and offer to stand guard at the match with her whole police force.

Daiyin watches the whole thing unfold and the pleased look in Tarrlok's eyes when Beifong says that makes her doubt his reasons. But, at least the arena stayed open for the Fire Ferrets to have their match.

Just outside the City Hall, when Korra was talking to Tenzin, the councilwoman from the Fire Nation walks up to her. She bows deeply before Daiyin. "Your Royal Highness, it's an honour-" The princess quickly looks around and concludes that no one is watching them. "Please refrain from calling me by my titles in the presences of others. I'd like to keep a low profile for as long as I'm in Republic City."

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