3. Smoothies

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Okay, not going to lie, I really didn't think anyone would actually like my writing? And people do?? I am SOOO thankful for the people FRICKIN VOTING ON MY STORY!!! Like, I dont think yall know how much this means to me!! Out of all the stories on this platform, you chose to read mine?? Like how crazy is that??

Sorry, casually freaking out more than a little!! Hope you enjoy reading the rest!!

Waking up, I groaned as the light stung my eyes. I had forgotten to close the curtains before falling asleep, and instead opened my eyes to look directly into the sun.

I sat up slowly, placing my bare feet onto the soft carpet. Today, I was determind to at least discover somewhere to eat before school started tomorrow. Alex had mentioned a beach being pretty much next door, and the thought of visiting one pushed me to get up and get dressed for the day.

I picked out a pair of light washed denim shorts, a pink tank top and a long cardigan to cover up whilst indoors - one of the main differences between America and England was that America really wasn't afraid to turn the air conditioning up. As I walked down the stairs in my white socks, I held a pair of white pumps. I usually wore heels (one; to make up for the lack of height, two; because I loved wearing heels) but I was still tired from the time difference and was planning to walk down to the beach.

"Morning!" A few of the boys called out as I walked through the kitchen door. Alex looked up and grinned, making his way over to me and giving me a hug.

"Morning, Little Love." I scrunched my face up in disgust.

"Calling me Love is bad enough, but Little Love? Ewwwww." He smirked as I squeaked when he pulled me into a headlock, rubbing my head with the top of his fist.

"Aw, has my baby sister grown up now? Have you no more time for your brother?" I growled and pushed against him, trying to get free.

"Alex! You monster! Leave me alone!" He laughed louder when I finally dropped my shoes and stopped messing up my hair for a minute.

"Caleb! Catch!" He picked me up suddenly and threw me backwards, laughing as I screamed. Another boy caught me, and now the whole kitchen was laughing at me. My face was burning as I tried to reach the ground, kicking at Caleb's shins, glaring at Alex who had picked up my shoes.

"Aw, look at my baby sister! Can't even touch the ground!" I held on tight to Caleb's arms, which he had wrapped around my waist, wishing more than anything that I could kill with my glare.

Alex wouldn't even stand a chance.

He chucked one of my shoes across the room to one of the boys and held onto the other, playing with the laces.

"I'm not joking Alex, if you dirty my white shoes I will hurt you." My voice had gone high pitched and airy as I couldn't quite catch my breath from being held up around my waist. All Alex did was laughing, throwing my shoe into the air and catching it again. I followed it's movements with my eyes, watching it fly up and fall from the air.

"Jake!" The boy chucked my shoe across to another one who looked up when called, plucking it from the air easily. It hadn't even two days and I was already sick of boys. How was I ever supposed to remember their names?

I was distracted from their game of catch when Alex threw the shoes towards my face. I flinched back before I realised Caleb's hand had reached out and grabbed it, quickly throwing it over to someone else.

"Let me go you giant jerk!" I smacked his arm and felt his chest rumble with laughter before he finally let me go. I ran over to where my shoes were being hurled through the room. I leapt up, trying to grab them before they were caught, but they all just laughed and began throwing them higher so I couldn't reach them anymore. Groaning, I began trying for real, thankful for all the netball practise I had been forced to do when I was a child. When I finally caught them, I slipped them onto my feet and grinned victoriously at Alex, sticking out my tongue. He smirked, and I froze, backing away slowly, before turning and sprinting away. I could hear his thudding footsteps as he caught up to me before I could reach the third step.

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