15. Uh Oh

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Okay, so does anyone actually know what's going on with the corona virus rn?? Cus like, everyone's telling me something different??

And omfg every shop within like, thirty miles of our house had ran out of hand gel?? But like, hand gel literally doesn't do anything against a virus?? I'm so confused??

He looked at me, waiting for an answer. I shrugged and tried to turn back to my baking, but he was standing too close to me for me to even turn. He rose an eyebrow, and I go the message that he wasn't going until I had told him.

"Um... it's stupid..." My face heated up when I went to look down, and realised that he was far too close for me to do so. I kept my eyes on his chest, not really knowing where else to look.

"I don't care. What's bothering you?" I shook my head quickly and tried to push him back gently. He took a step backwards, but still stood close. When I looked up once more, he didn't appear to be mocking me, but instead expressed true concern.

"It's... um... you didn't like..." I trailed off, blushing even more. All I ever did was blush at this point.

"What didn't I like?" He asked, prompting me to continue.

"...my art..." It was silent for a second, before he chuckled slightly.

"Love, I think your art is beautiful. I've never met anyone with so much talent in my life." I could literally feel the heat rolling off of my face at this point. He didn't seem to be making fun of me though, despite it being so easy for me to take it as sarcasm.

"Thank you." I replied, not really knowing what else to say. He stepped back and leant against the counter, leaving me standing for a second before I turned and carried on with my cookies. My hands worked quickly, printing out countless heart-shaped cookies, before placing them carefully onto a tray. The oven had already been pre-heated, so I slipped the tray inside and went to wash up quickly, every nerve in my body aware of the awkward silence between the two of us.

"What are you making?" Grey asked.

"Chocolate chip cookies." I replied quickly, fumbling slightly with the bowl I had used. The bowl fell from my hands into teh sink with a loud clash, and I felt like crying in embarressment as Grey laughed slightly.

"Here, I'll do it," He said, gently moving me out of the way. I let him wash up, glad that he did anyway as I hated the gross process. The food stuck to the edge of the dishes was always a disgusting sight, and touching that stuff by accident made me want to gag.

Not to mention washing up spoons.

Only a ninja can wash up a spoon and not get soaked.

I checked the time, before making my way over to the counter and pushing myself up so I was sat on top. It would've been rude of me to allow Grey to do the washing up, and then to simply leave him there on his own, so instead, I was being subjected to one of teh most nerve-wracking, awkward silences ever in recorded history.

The heels of my feet thudded slightly against the cupboards below my as I swung my feet, my fingers twisting themselves up into my skirt. He finished quickly though, and so we sat there, waiting for the cookies to finish baking.

"You look nervous, Love." He commented, a smirk resting on his face. I looked down and bit my lip slightly, shrugging.

"I'm not, I'm just waiting..." I looked up to see his eyes zoned in on my lips, and even I knew what he was thinking about.

It was the same thing I was thinking about too.

He took a slow step forwards, and another, and another, until he was stood in front of me again, in between my legs. Even sat on the counter, I sat looking up at him, suddenly noticing the colour of his eyes. The light was hitting them gently, lighting up the gold flecks circling his dilated pupil. His eyes were stunning, with dark, stormy blue border tracing around the middle blue that I couldn't help but think of as the same colour as the Mediterranean sea, the flecks of gold like the warm sand.

"Love, you can't just look at me like that and expect me to not want to kiss you." The familiar blush heated my face again, teh same one that never seemed to leave whilst he was around. His hand came up and he gently held the side of my face, his thumb brushing over my cheek.

"Especially with that blush..." I leaned into his hand, tilting my head into it slightly as I watched his eyes fall across my face. He leaned closer and closer, and I felt my heart racing as I felt his warm breath on my face. He stopped a centimetre or two away from me and waited slightly, eyes still on my lips. I knew he was giving me the choice of what happened next, and so I tilted my head up slightly, my lips so close to meeting his.

"Shades, some bitch is... Woah! I'm just..." I jerked away from Grey, my hands shooting out to shove him back. He stepped back quickly, and we both turned to see Ryan in the doorway, his face lit up like a kid on Christmas Day.

"Wow, you sure work fast, dude," I shifted my weight on the counter and felt tears prick the back of my eyes. I can't believe he had just seen that...

The timer dinged and I fell down from the counter and brushed passed Greyson to take my cookies out of the oven, resting the hot tray on the oven top as I started picking them off quickly and putting them onto the cooling rack. I pulled out a small plate from the cupboard above me and dropped a small cookie onto it, offering it awkwardly to Ryan.

"First taste?" He laughed and took the plate.

"Bet that's what Shades wanted." Was Greyson Shades? What? How had I not drawn that conclusion already?

I'm just, um... gonna disappear..." Ryan muttered, staring at Greyson. I looked up at him, to see the deepest scowl on his face. He looked as though he was about to hit something, or rather, someone. Ryan made a quick exit and I pulled out another plate and dropped a bigger cookie onto it, holding it out to Greyson.

"You can have second taste?"

He scowled again.

QOTD: Kind of a like, basic question, but if you had a time machine, would you like, got to the future, or like, relive a certain moment?

MA: Honestly, I'm kinda terrified of the future, but I would hate to relieve the past, so it's kinda a tricky question?? But probably future?? Cus like, facing ur fears head on and shit??

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