Chapter One

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Marcy Chang yawned and turned to face her husband. She didn't want to get up but she had to deal with the kids.

She stretched and kissed his nose before throwing the covers back. She got out of bed and waddled to the bathroom. She used the toilet and washed her hands before getting to the business of brushing her teeth and washing her face. It was a long drawn out affair as she brushed her teeth with more than one product along with flossing and mouthwash. She also washed her face (and neck) with soap and a scrub and a homemade facial wash.

After she felt more human, she hopped in the shower. She had a relatively easy time washing herself although she was six months pregnant. Once she was finished, she dried off and went to the closet to pick out her outfit for the day.

It was balmy in May so she chose jean shorts, a grey short sleeved shirt and a long billowing kimono style jacket. She chose a pair of her favorite black chucks (a guy crowd surfing) and knee high Christmas style socks.

She got dressed after putting on powder, fragrance, deodorant and lotion. She wore makeup more now than she did as a teen but she still picked and chose when she did so she only put on eyeliner and lipstick.

She took her shower cap off and began brushing her hair. She hadn't straightened it in a week so it was completely relaxed and very full. Since she cut her hair in 2013, it'd grown back down her back but also further past her thighs. She knew she looked like she was Amish but she felt no need to cut her hair so she wouldn't. Plus Mal loved playing in her hair at night.

She tossed her hair over her shoulder and got up to go to the nursery. Their youngest baby, Aisling would be sharing a room with the new baby (which they didn't know the sex of). In the meanwhile, she had the room to herself and seemed to revel in it.

Marcy picked the baby up and made a face at her. She was awake and cooing so Marcy sat in the rocking chair and began feeding her. Aisling was hungry and suckled thirstily. Marcy had to switch breasts.

After feeding her, Marcy took her daughter to the hall bathroom and washed her body. It was a bit difficult because Aisling liked to splash and Marcy didn't relish changing. Finally the baby was clean so Marcy dressed her and put her back in her crib.

"Wait right there, terror." Marcy blew out a breath and went to wake the twins. That was easier said than done because Mally slept like his father and hated being awakened just like him.

But Marcy had a trick for both. She kissed them awake. Mickey woke up from Mally's giggles. "Good morning, Mommy."

"Good morning, baby." Marcy went to Mickey's bed and gave her kisses.

Mickey held her mom's face to hers and giggled.

Marcy gave her one last kiss. "Okay, it's time to get up for school. Come on. Up, up, up."

Mickey threw back the covers and climbed from her bed. "Mommy, can I wear my purple dress with the polka dots? Annalise is gonna wear hers and we want to match."

Marcy smiled. Annalise was Mickey's best friend. "Of course. You want to pick out Bro-Bro's clothes?"

"Yeah!" Mickey giggled.

"Ugh!" Mally groaned, still in bed.

"Get up, boy!" Marcy barked.

"But Mommy,-!" He whined.

"I don't wanna hear it. Get up and go brush your teeth."

Mally got up, pouting.

"Make your bed." Marcy smirked. He was just like her and hated making the bed. Luckily for her, she had Mal, who made the bed every morning.

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