Chapter Four

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"Come on, Patti!" Santana snapped. "She's been here four days and we haven't met her yet!"

"And?!" Marcy bit off.

"What's going on, Marcy?" Mercedes asked. "You've been snappy anytime anyone brings her up. Are you and Ellen having problems?"

"I don't have to sit through this." Marcy struggled to her feet.

Quinn hopped up and pushed her gently back down before sitting in her lap. "Now tell us what's going on."

"You think I won't push you onto the ground just because you're pregnant?" Marcy lifted a brow. "You're barely two months."

"You won't hurt my baby." Quinn was confident.

Marcy groaned. "You get on my nerves!"

"Just tell us!"

"Please?" Mercedes added.

"Dammit..." Marcy sighed. "We had words."

"What'd you say to her?!" Quinn demanded.

Marcy straightened her legs, which made Quinn tumble.

Santana laughed. "So what was said?"

"None of your business." Marcy sipped her tea.

Quinn got up from the floor. "What if she leaves?!"

"I guess she'll be gone then, won't she?"

"You don't want that, Marceline Anne." Yuria told her.

"And what do I want?"

"You want to be in a thruple like us." Karou shrugged.

"That's stupid."

"You're really willing to throw away everything you have with Ellen just because you disagreed? Marcy, that's illogical." Mercedes appealed to her linear thinking.

Marcy lowered her eyes. "Maybe."

"No maybe. It is. How do you expect to get anywhere in life if you keep quitting everything at the first sign of trouble?"

Marcy pouted. "You're right."

Mercedes brightened. "Talk to her. I'm sure you can solve your problems and this visit will be back on track."

"Thanks, Mercy. The rest of you suck."

The others were heavily offended. "Hey!"


"Do you want to come to work with me or with Marce?" Mal asked as he had every day that week.

Ellen opened her mouth but Marcy beat her talking. "Actually I think we should talk."


"Ellen and myself."

"Okay." He stood up. "Come on, mini mes. Say goodbye to Mommy and Ms. Ellen."

The kids said their goodbyes and ran out.

Mal kissed his wife and poked Ellen before leaving.

A quiet Rose began cleaning.

"We can talk in the office." Marcy grabbed her cup of decaf coffee.

Ellen nodded and grabbed her own.

They left and traveled to the office located by the laundry room. They went inside and shut the door behind them.

Marcy sat at her desk and pointed for Ellen to take a seat opposite it. When the redhead was comfortable, she leaned back in her own chair. "We have to talk about Monday."

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