Chapter Two

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Marcy frowned and turned down the volume. She sat back in her chair, thinking.

Quinn walked in. "Hey! They said you were in here."

"Yep." Marcy's frown didn't move.

Quinn sat next to her. "Is this a new song?"

"New to you. The album has undergone many changes since the last time you heard it."

"Marcy, you need to hammer this out-"

"I know, I know." Marcy sighed.

"Why are you putting it off?"

"I'm not!" Marcy gnashed her teeth together.

"When's your appointment?" Quinn checked the time.

"I'm not having a crisis!"

"What time?!"

Marcy blew out a breath. "‪2 o'clock‬."

"Good. Come over straight after and tell us what happens over tea. Everyone will be there."

"I'm not telling all of you what me and my therapist talk about!" She looked at her like Quinn was crazy.

"Yes, you are. Sisters share." Quinn blinked before gasping. "Was that part of Laura's Sister Speech?!"

"You sounded just like her." Marcy spat.

Quinn shuddered before getting up. "Regardless. You will come over and you will talk. Have fun with the album."

Marcy watched her skip out and wished a horrid period of morning sickness on her.


"Do you not feel like talking today?"

Marcy blinked at her therapist. "Why would you say that?"

"You haven't spoken since you sat down."

Marcy lifted her shoulders and put her thumbnail between her teeth.

"We can play a game until you feel like talking. I know that relaxes you."

Marcy nodded.

She grabbed a deck of cards and began shuffling. After being sure that the deck was sufficiently shuffled, she began passing out cards.

Marcy picked up her cards.

"Don't you want to know what we're playing?"

Marcy raised a shoulder.

"It's Go Fish."

Marcy just rearranged her hand.

The therapist gestured for Marcy to go first.

So she did. "Got any sixes? I feel unlovable."

The therapist smiled. "Here you go. You're very lovable. Your family adores you."

"They're not that bright."

"Marcy." She smirked.

"Got any twos?"

"Here. It's not stupid to love you. You're very personable. I've known you for four years and I enjoy your company a lot."

Marcy snorted. "Kings?"

She handed it over. "What brought on these feelings of self doubt?"

"Remember the girl I told you about? About how Mal and I were going to approach her after graduation? It's after graduation."

Her eyes widened. "Your deadline is up. So you're worried she won't love you?"

"Technically. She and Mal have a great connection and Mal and I have a great connection. What if she and I don't have one?"

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