Chapter Twenty One

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Quinn picked at her manicure. Mike took her hand and entwined their fingers. She smiled.

Mercedes chewed on her bottom lip as she read. "Okay, what about Seamus?"

Quinn wrinkled her nose. "No!"

Mercedes smacked her lips. "What about Fergus then?"

"Mercy!" Quinn whined.

"Lucy, we need to come up with a name! Bean's got ears now and he or she is going to notice we're calling him or her Bean!"

"Him. Definitely him." Mike was sure.

"You only say that because Marcy's got in your head." Quinn frowned. "I only produce girls."

"He only produced girls. I make boys."

Mercedes hit him with the baby name book. "My daughter would beg to differ!"

Quinn pursed her lips. "Your daughter?"

"18 hours of labor."

Quinn shuddered accidentally.

Mike could tell his newly healed hand was not going to be healed for too much longer...

Dr. Fontanilla walked in. "Michael. Mercedes Catherine. Lucille."

"Hi, Dr. Fontanilla." The Trio chirped.

He smiled before going through his checklist. "Are you ready to know the sex?"

Two of them said yes but Quinn said no. "Lucy?!"

The blonde pouted. "I'm not sure I want to know!"

"You did this last month!" Mike was frustrated. "My son needs a name!"

"My daughter will have a name!"

"When?!" Mercedes pressed.

Quinn sulked. "Marcy didn't know and things turned out fine!"

"Marcy's trying to be a good mother!" Mike threw up a hand.

Dr. Fontanilla looked elsewhere as the women glared at their husband.

"You know what I mean! She doesn't want them typecast from birth! My boy won't be. He can wear pink for all I care!"

"No, he can't!" Both Mercedes and Quinn were upset by that.

He tried not to smile. "Luce, nothing bad is going to happen if we know the sex. I promise you."

Quinn took a deep breath. "Does this mean we can do a gender reveal?"


Michael watched Jeanette scream and curse in awe. He didn't know how to or if he should admit to liking when she got like this. "Jean- Jeanette!"

She stopped swearing and faced him.

"Go lie down. You need to rest."

Jeanette stomped off, muttering.

Michael turned to his youngest. "I think a few days apart will soothe her."

"You're kicking me out?" Maddie's eyes filled.

"No." He kissed her forehead. "You will merely be spending a few nights with Evie and Malcolm Sr."

She stared at him, hurt.

"Go pack a bag. You'll be home by the weekend."

Maddie left to go up to her room.

Michael fixed Dante with a steely look. "You!"

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