Chapter Twenty Four

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Marcy helped Aisling change for the next shot. "Put your leg in."

The almost two year old put her leg in the leggings- just the wrong way.

"You're doing this on purpose..."

Aisling patted her cheek. "Bad!"

"Yeah, you are."

"My baby not bad!" Mal walked over.

"She gets it from you." Marcy finished twisting the stockings around.

He forced a kiss on her. "Elle is really loving this."

"Yeah." She smiled wistfully. "It's a good thing we keep flying Paul out here. She gets to meet a real photographer."

He turned to her sharply.

She ignored him- to tease him.



"You're mean."

She side-eyed him. "You're lucky I burned you first."

He grinned. "Love you!"

"Shut up and get changed. Paul's not gon say I held us up."

Mal stuck his tongue out.

She threw Aisling's shoe at him. "Go!"

He tossed it back. "I'm goin!"

She rolled her eyes and finished dressing their youngest daughter before setting her on her feet to go play with her siblings and cousins.

Marcy sat and got her makeup and hair done before gathering her kids together.

Paul usually went family by family in the beginning before branching out into different groupings so he went with the Joneses first, then the Changs, then the Fabrays.

Then he went with the Taylor-Joneses, the older Changs then the younger Changs. After, he did the grandparents then the parents then the kids. Then he shot them altogether before having them change clothes.

Maddie did her own solo spread and showed off her baby bump.

Paul had a blast shooting his favorite clients and loved when they flew him out to take their holiday card pictures.

It was nearly dark by the time they finished so they chose certain photos to go out and saved the rest for personal use.

During the long shoot and the dinner after, Marcy got answers to her questions for the newsletter.


Marcy slid the cookies onto the cooling rack before washing and spraying the cookie sheets and putting more cookies on them to bake. Then she went back to decorating the already cooled biscuits.

Mickey and Riley helped their mother ice the gingerbread and sugar cookies as the radio played Christmas music.

Ellen took pictures of the whole thing as Calliope, Cheyenne and Aisling colored at the booth, eating their share of cookies.

Mal walked in with the boys. "It smells so good. When can we eat?"

"If you're talking about these cookies, you can have one. I made cocoa-" Marcy started.

There was a tiny stampede as Mal and his walking sons ran to the range but the chocolate was in the crockpot.

"You stop that! Take just a little bit with a cookie. I still need to make dinner. I don't want you guys to have tummyaches."

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