Chapter Thirty Five

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Marcy woke up to different music playing. She had set an alarm to wake up early. It was her wedding day!

She got up and went through her routine then left her hotel room to find her bridesmaids.

Karen, her maid-of-honor, appeared first. "Are you ready?"

"As long as they don't whack me with leaves, I'm fine." Marcy shrugged.

Karen smirked. "I'm missing my baby for this. She's only a few weeks old."

"She won't remember."

Karen finally laughed. "Come on, EmJay!"


Mal jumped up when he felt someone else in his room.

"Dammit!" Marc snapped his fingers. "Pipsqueak done learned his lesson!"

"Yes, I have and we're not going gambling!"

Chase, his Best Man, grinned. "Come on! Please?!"

"No! I was late the last time!"

"But you got married." Artie pointed out.


"You're no fun." Mike pouted.

"We didn't do that when you got married again."

"Yeah but-"

Mal gave him a knowing look.

"You're right. Moppet deserves a good day."

"And it's Ellen's first and last wedding. She's liable to cry if you ruin this."

"Which will make MarcAn open a can of WhoopAss." Joey felt his neck. "I can't die! I got kids!"

"You?!" A few of them snapped.

"Fine! We're all having babies!"

"I suggest we get ready then get a drink responsibly to wait for the ceremony to start." Mal offered.

They each agreed.


Ellen was getting ready with her friends and female family but noticeably missing was her ex-best friend, Claudia Delver. The blonde had never approved of the relationship and was very vocal about it.

Ellen didn't want that negativity in her wedding or life so she cut her off. In her place was a new friend she'd made in her cooking class, Adrienne Matters. The brunette was her maid-of-honor.

Adrienne was trying to keep Ellen calm but the redhead was so nervous, her stomach was a rolling sea. As she got ready, she wondered why she was so nervous. She loved both endlessly and wanted to spend her life with them.

It hit her as she looked in the mirror after the makeup artist finished with her face. The situation with Marcy nearly killed her. What if it happened again?

Marcy was a household name all over the world and if one crazed stalker could commit such crimes, surely more could. Could Ellen survive losing her wife?

Lilly noticed her only daughter becoming melancholy and shooed everyone out. "Honey, what's wrong?"

Ellen had never kept anything from her mother and wouldn't start now. She spilled her fears. "Am I crazy?"

"What happened to Marcy was horrific but that doesn't mean it'll happen again." Lilly sat next to her.

"You don't know her history. So many people have hurt her."

Slaying DragonsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora