Chapter Sixteen

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Marcy yawned as she did her stretches. "Five, six, seven, eight!"

The band started playing as she began dancing slowly. She began singing to one of her assistants (just to have a focal point), putting as much feeling into it as she could while still remaining impartial.

When she finished, her tour manager clapped while walking over. "Good! Good! You did good! This is your last stop in China and then we'll head to New Zealand. I know you're tired but keep it up.

You have two weeks until you'll be cleared for your due date. Just imagine going home and sleeping in your own bed with your brand new baby."

"You obviously don't have kids." She snorted as she took her hair down then put it back up in a new knot. "You sleep wherever you can because that brand new baby will have you hopping at all hours of the day."

He chuckled. "You got me. I don't have kids. I have cats."

She shuddered.

"I was told you have cats." He cocked his head.

"Those cats belong to my kids. I hate cats. Aw shit!"

He put his hand on her belly.

"Don't do that." She moved it. "No. I just realized I promised my eldest daughter a bird."

"You don't like birds either?" He frowned. "What do you like?"

"A clean house." She turned from him, towards the band. "You'll get your masterpiece. Run it back!"


Marcy felt her stomach as she left the stage. It felt like a disruption in there. She went to the obstetrician on call and tapped his arm. "Can you check me out?!"

He bobbed his head, used to displays like this as he was a "doctor to the stars".

They went back to his office and he checked her out.

"You appear to be in the first stages of labor." He told her.

She said every curse word she knew in Chinese.

"Are you unprepared?"

"A little. My husband isn't here. I usually dilate quickly. He's going to miss it."

"We can have a mother stand in for him."

"Thank you. I'm going to call him anyway so he'll be able to meet it but I would like a stand-in."


Mal washed his face of soap then went to take his shower. He didn't hear his phone go off but he definitely heard the door slam open. "Ah!"

Maddie waved a hand. "Get out! Marcy's in labor!"


Mal kissed his kids goodbye and promised to be back with their mother and new sibling soon. He hurried to leave and take a taxi to the airport as he called his boss to let him know he'd be taking his paternal leave now.

Mr. Anelli was falsely understanding.

Mal made it to his flight and sat on it, praying that he made it in time and that the last time he saw his wife wouldn't be the last time he saw his wife.


Marcy sipped her tea slowly, trying to savor it. Usually she didn't drink hot tea unless she was sick or strangely cold and she was neither of those things at the moment.

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