Chapter Thirty

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Paris was unnaturally calm. Jude was not calm unnaturally or not...

The only time Paris became her normal weepy self was when they brought out the epidural needle. Jude fainted...

Marcy and Yuria had to talk him through this in Russian. It took multiple talkings but eventually Jade Waters Nixon was born to two shaken parents who loved her endlessly.

And that was when Brittany's water broke... a whole two weeks early.


Brittany made sure to get the epidural right away (then swore never again) because the last time she gave birth, she was too late and she'd cried the whole time.

Both Santana and Artie were there for her and brought Adrian Bennett Abrams into the world.

Tristan was happy to see other babies.


"I want to get pregnant again." Quinn played with Adrian.

"You want to go through labor again?" Mercedes smirked.

"It gets me my baby."

Brittany giggled. "I don't have to worry about that for a while."

"Me either." Mercedes was still breastfeeding.

"You never know." Santana yawned. "Patti keeps getting caught."

"Marcy's a rabbit." Quinn scoffed.

Mercedes patted her hand. "She does seem to get pregnant rather easily."

"I think I'm going to wait another two years to get pregnant again." Brittany supposed.

Santana jumped up and ran to the bathroom to throw up in the sink.


"I'm so scared." Ellen admitted.

"Why?" Marcy could feel someone looking at her but maybe it was just the paparazzi?

Ellen held onto her as they walked home from the bakery. "For labor. Both Paris and Brittany were scared for the epidural."

"Don't get it." Marcy felt hunted and rushed Ellen safely into the condos.

"Can I do that?"

"Of course. I don't get it."

"I remember. You were so strong."

Marcy didn't feel strong. "Well you will do fantastic. I believe in you."

Ellen felt loved and cherished. She smiled at her beloved as they went upstairs.


The water park was amazing and Riley was so happy to turn four.

She got loads of presents (at the new house) and all the attention was on her. She was in heaven.

Best yet, all her grandparents were able to make it.

Yep, it was the best Valentine's Day/birthday ever.


"Mommy, can we go with you?" Mickey asked.

"I'm only running to Fresh to see if Piña made the snowflake cookies. It's going to take fifteen minutes tops." Marcy was going to miss the quick trip to her first bakery.

"We want a cookie." Mally beamed.

"You want a cookie?" She pinched his chin. "Okay but we have to sneak out or everyone will want to come."

"Yay!" The twins celebrated quietly.

They all put on their layers and Marcy texted Mal that she had the twins before they left. Outside was crisp with a bite to the air.

It was cold (obviously) but Marcy loved it. She finally felt better.

The twins waved to paparazzi and they got their fill of photos before going away.

Marcy took their hands and led them down the street until a dark figure stepped in their path. "Excuse us."

He flipped his hood down.

She backed away as she saw Yheng's darkly mad eyes staring at her. She pulled her children behind her. "Go away."

"Mommy?" The twins could feel the change in their mother.

Yheng grinned. "Get in the car."

Marcy could see a car parked on the street. "No."

He moved his coat to reveal a gun. "Get in the car."


He trained his gun on Mally. "Get in the car!"

She stepped in its path. "Okay! Just leave them alone."

"Mommy!" Mally and Mickey were terrified.

"It'll be okay." Marcy didn't take her gaze off the gloating Yheng as she spoke to her offspring. "Go home."

"But Mommy-?" Mally didn't want to leave his mother with this man that pointed a gun in his face.

"It's okay, baby. Just go home."

"In the car." Yheng didn't care about the kids.

Marcy got in the car, Yheng behind her. The driver took off, leaving the six year olds on the sidewalk alone.

Mickey pulled at her stunned twin. "We gotta get Daddy!"

Mally nodded. His father would get their mother back.

The twins ran the block home and upstairs to the condo to beat on the door, crying for their father.

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