Chapter Twenty Nine

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Mal watched Marcy interact with the family. Rather, not interact with them. She'd put on makeup and long, covering clothing to hide her wounds but he couldn't stop seeing them.

"Daddy?" Mickey poked his wrist.

Mal started. "Yes, Princess?"

"What's wrong?"

"Why do you think something's wrong?"

"You and Mommy are quiet. You usually ask us questions about our trip." She was talking about the shopping trip for back-to-school clothes she and her siblings took every year.

He licked his dry lips. "Sorry, Princess. I was just thinking."

"Is Mommy okay? She looks sad."

He realized Mickey was like Marcy in more ways than one. Marcy could always tell when one was off. "How about after dinner, you give Mommy a hug? She had a hard day at work and could use it."

Mickey brightened. "Okay."

He kissed her chubby cheek with her squealing. With kids like this, Marcy was sure to heal better this time around. She had to.


"What is that?" Ellen stared at Marcy's bare face in horror.

Marcy sighed. "It's nothing."

"Did you fall again?"


"You fell and that's why you had that mark on your face."

"No. I got that from work." Marcy could feel Mal staring at her. "This was me running into a slow moving door."

Ellen's eyes widened. "How bad did it hurt?"

"A lot." Marcy admitted. "But it's just a flesh wound. I don't want to scare the kids so don't tell them."

"You want me to lie to our children?"

"Not lie. Just don't say anything."

Ellen was worried. Was Marcy that clumsy? She looked at Mal, who looked just as worried. Would he be this worried if this was a regular occurrence?

Marcy finished climbing inside the bed and kissed Ellen softly. "I'm fine. If I haven't been broken yet, I probably won't be."

Ellen still was unsure.

Marcy scratched the pregnant photographer's stomach gently.

Ellen liked that and laid back to enjoy it.

Mal was not as easily swayed. Mostly because he'd realized that Marcy had lied about being slapped by her costar. What was going on with his baby? She was lying, keeping things from them.

That wasn't her at all.

Maybe after he killed Yheng, things would go back to normal?


Marcy picked Aisling up and rocked her awake. "Happy birthday, baby."

Aisling squealed. "Birthday?"

"Yeah. You say more words now."

Aisling giggled.

Marcy cleaned her and put her in a special birthday outfit. "You better stay clean."

Aisling hugged her mother's leg.

Marcy felt warm for the first time since Mickey hugged her a week ago. "Thank you, baby."

Aisling walked out.

"Where are you going?!"


Ellen was still shocked by Fabanges birthdays. The twins had had an elaborate set up but Aisling was two! It didn't matter. Marcy went above and beyond and by the end of the day, Aisling was more than happy.

When they went to bed that night, she decided something. "I want to help plan the triplets' birthday."

Marcy blinked. "Huh?"

"I want to help plan the triplets' birthday party." Ellen repeated.

"Oh. Uh... okay? But it's mostly done. Their birthday is next week."

"What about Rye's then?"

"I started planning hers last year."


"Because I had the idea to go to a water park."

"In winter?"

"Yes. It'll be fun and it's what she wanted."

Ellen said nothing.

"We have to plan Sola's birthday."

Ellen was reassured. She patted Marcy's leg and laid back. "Okay."

Mal was highly amused.


Marcy was still a bit cautious when picking up her phone but it was a number she recognized. "Hello."

"Hello? Mrs. Chang?"


"Hi, it's Renaldo. I wanted to see if you'd go on a walk through to make sure your villa is up to your standards."

She squeaked lowly. "Are you saying that it's done?"

"Yes, ma'am."

"I'll be there after I get off work."

The two ironed out a time and hung up. This was a piece of really good news. She was going to savor it.


Marcy waited for Saturday to make her announcement. "Guys, you're not going to your activities today."

The kids began whining.

Mal whistled. "What's going on?"

"We've got to pack our belongings to move to the new house." Marcy waved her hands excitedly.

Everyone grew extraordinarily excited.

"Okay! After breakfast, we're going to get started. I want everyone pitching in."

"What about Tris?" Mally grinned.

"Why you tryna get beat up?" She kissed his cheek.

He giggled. "I'll help Tris, Mommy."

"Thank you, baby."


It was really hard to move in one day but they did it. Mostly. They were only taking clothes and personal effects. Everything but furniture. The villa was already decorated. Which made the kids' heads spin.

Especially the new kids.

Ellen had never seen a home this big. It looked like it belonged on TV. As a mansion for royalty.

Mal hugged her from behind. "You okay? You need to sit down?"

"No." Although nine months pregnant, Ellen felt fine. "I just want to see everything."

"I think we should go back to the condo to rest. We don't have to be completely moved in one day. Marce just likes to work."

"I heard that, Chang!"

Both Mal and Ellen jumped.


Marcy awoke with a start. She realized the phone was ringing so she picked it up. And heard screaming. "Shut up!"

It was Paris. "I'm in labor!"

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