Chapter 23

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Five Years Ago

Coach chuckled as I ran out of the locker room. One skate on, one skate-off, and a tank top covering my torso.

"Easy there, Astrid. You look like you've just seen a ghost." He said as I ran straight into his arms. I rested my chin on his shoulder and hugged him tightly.

"Everything alright?" Coach asked me. His coach voice gone and replaced by a more familiar, comforting voice.

I quickly pushed away the tears that threatened to fall and smiled up at him.

"Yeah... I'm alright Dad." My father smiled down at me as the locker room opened behind me.

My father's green eyes flicked to the door and he grinned. "There's my favorite defensive pair." Family voice gone-now replaced with his coach voice.

"Heyyy coach." Jakes's disgusting voice made me shiver.

"Sup Coach." Blades nodded at him as he walked past us.

Jake and Blades walked down the hallway, where my father's back was turned and they stopped to look at me.

Dark grins split their faces at the same time and they both made crude gestures with their hands and groins.

I kept back the vomit that threatened to paint the floor.

I pulled away from my father and looked into his green eyes that matched mine perfectly.

"Oh by the way." My voice was weak and slightly shaky, "I"m going to need a new stick."

"Another stick?!" My father ran his hand through his auburn hair. "What are you doing in there to break so many? This is your fourth stick this year!" He sighed.

"Sorry. I guess my slapshots are a little too hard." I tried to make light of the situation.

My father chuckled and patted me on the shoulder. "Alright, Kiddo. I got some paperwork I need to do before practice starts, don't cause too much trouble."

He went to his office, leaving me alone in the hallway.

Even the thought of going back into the locker room made me want to break down, so instead, I went to the girl's bathroom.

Where I could break down in peace.

I locked myself in a stall and brought my knees to my chest.

The tears started to fall, but I stayed silent.

Why do they hate me? Why do they harass me? Most importantly, why me?

I ran so many questions through my head.

I heard the bathroom door open and I froze. I instantly recognized the footsteps as male and a silent cry choked me.

"Astriddd." Silks disgusting voice rang through the bathroom.

"This is the girl's bathroom." I tried to muster up some courage but failed.

"Yeah well, you obviously don't think you're a girl so I don't see why it matters." Silks stopped in front of my stall. "If you don't come out, I will go get Jake and Zane."

Oh please, not Zane.

I shakily stood up and opened the stall.

Silks grinned and reached for me.

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