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C H A P T E R   E L E V E N

C H A P T E R   E L E V E NSkittles

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During recess, the Party wondered outside trying to find rocks for Lucas' wrist rocket. There's a certain type of ones they're looking for. Ones that could fit into the sling and could hurt someone really badly.

Roni walks around mindlessly, head towards the ground in search of the rocks. Dustin looks at Mike's rock that was too big for the sling. "So, do you think Eleven was born with her powers, like the X-Men or do you think she acquired them, like- like Green Lantern?"

"X-Men. Eleven could totally be Jean-Gray!" Roni says excitedly, referencing a superhero. She wasn't that into comics but she read them because of the boys. Slowly she grew to like them. Dustin smiles at her, slightly proud. Roni beams and hides her smile.

"She's not a superhero. She's a weirdo," Lucas says, picking up rocks and looking at them. Roni shrugs.

"I like her, even if she's not a superhero, she could be a weirdo. But I like weirdos, that's why I hang out with you guys," Roni answers and shows Mike a rock she found, he shakes his head both at the comment and the rock.

"Why does that matter? The X-Men are weirdos," Mike defends Eleven. Roni arches an eyebrow at Mike's comment.

"If you love her so much, why don't you marry her?" Lucas teased. Roni sends Dustin a teasing look, and he sends one back. It was so obvious that Mike is smitten with Eleven. Roni thought it was weird but sweet.

"What are you talking about?" Mike asked.

"Mike, seriously?"


"You look at her all, like," Lucas then pretends to be Mike acting all goofy. Mike denies it all, total signs that he does like her. Dustin and Roni just watch it all happen with a slight smile. "Would you marry me?" Lucas gets on one knee and 'proposes' to Mike.

"Shut up, Lucas," Mike's mutters, annoyed with this whole situation. Then out of nowhere, Troy and James stroll up. The boys sigh tiredly, preparing themselves for the onslaught of teases.

"What are you losers doing back here?" Troy asked.

"Probably looking for their missing friend," James answered. Roni's hands ball up into a fist, she stares darkly at the two.

"That's not funny. It's serious. He's in danger," Dustin scolds.

"I hate to break it to you, Toothless, but he's not in danger. He's dead. That's what my dad says," He leans forward slightly. "He said he was probably killed by some other-"

"Shut up, moron! If you got any brain cells left, you would know that Will isn't dead. So keep your yap shut and don't go around lowering the IQ of the whole school!" Roni's nose flared in anger.

Troy's teasing grin falls and he blinks rapidly, breathing in deeply. But before he could say anything, Mike looks at the group. "Come on. Just ignore them," He starts to walk away, but Troy pokes a foot out as he's walking making Mike fall hard on top of a rock.

"Hey, I saw that!" Roni starts to walk up to him but Dustin puts a hand on her arm to stop her. He shakes his head and takes her wrist, heading htowards Mike. Lucas and Dustin helps Mike up. And Roni holds back her fury towards the bullies.

Mike groans, clutching his chin. "Watch where you're going, Frogface," Troy teased. Roni tries to ignore him but her anger rose.

"You all right?" Lucas asked, patting Mike's back.

"Yeah," He winces and touches his chin. They all glare at Troy and James' backs, sighing deeply.

"Hey, how about this one?" Dustin holds up a large rock towards the group. He pats Mike's shoulder.

Mike takes it and looking at the rock, nods. "Yeah, this is it," They all nod and smile. Roni grins at the boys. Lucas holds up the rock and smiles widely. It's been a while since the last time they all smiled since Will was gone. It seemed that it was somewhat normal.

But they all knew who was missing and they'd do anything to get him back.


A few hours later, school ended. Unlike most students at Hawkins Middle who after school, goes home to do their homework and chores. Mike, Lucas, Dustin, and Roni all biked their way to the meeting place in search of the missing party member, Will.

They pushed their bikes up the hill towards, Eleven who looked off into the distance. She seemed in a daze, thinking of something emotional. Roni could sense that she was saddened by something but she didn't know the girl well enough to ask those deep type of questions.

Roni lifts up her bike, struggling slightly and turns it towards Mirkwood. Where Will was last seen days ago. El and Mike walked closely to each other up front talking. Roni couldn't hear what about but she didn't really care, that was their own business.

But in the back with Lucas and Dustin, they just walked in silence. They thought about what if they saw a Demogorgon or even Will himself.

A nudge brings Roni from her thoughts. She glances over at Dustin. "Roni, I got you something," He reaches into his jacket pocket and pulls out a packet of Skittles. Her blue eyes widen.

"You found some?" She asks, looking between the candy and Dustin. Skittles was a rare commodity, it's a relatively new candy, only came out a year ago. But it's really popular so when it does come by, most people in town want it. So Roni only gets it every couple of months.

"Yeah, I knew it was your favorite candy," He answered, handing her the red packaged candy. Roni smiles softly. It was a long time since anyone has given her a gift out-of-the-blue like this. Her parents gave her guitars and other things but as a pity gift for feeling like they haven't spent enough time with their youngest child.

But a gift just out of the kindness of their heart was rare. Even though the guitars cost a hundred dollars or more, she loved the gift of a packet of Skittles that cost just a couple cent way more.

"T-Thanks," She speaks softly. Roni grabs his hand and pours some in his hand. "Want some, Sinclair?" Lucas nods and holds out his hand. She pours some out. They all munch on the rainbow candy with a slight smile.

Roni felt a small airiness in her stomach. Even on the terrible situation her friend was in, Roni felt very happy and glad with her friends.

But little did she know that the feeling would go away very quickly.

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