C H A P T E R T W E N T Y - T H R E E

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C H A P T E R T W E N T Y - T H R E E
Lando Calrissian

C H A P T E R   T W E N T Y - T H R E ELando Calrissian

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The group bikes up a hill, heading towards a familiar place. Once they make it to the junkyard, Mike pulls El from the bike gently and sits her on the ground.

"Did-did you see what she did to that van?" Dustin said with a shocked look. Roni was too tired to respond sassily but Mike had her covered.

"No, Dustin, we missed it," Mike responded. Roni smirked slightly but pain radiated from her head made her frown.

"I mean that was..." Dustin starts.

"Awesome," Lucas finished, looking softly at the girl. "It was awesome." He panted. Lucas kneels down beside Eleven and looks her in the eye.

"Everything I said about you being a traitor and stuff. I was wrong. I'm sorry," He peered at her with no hint of hatred and with an ounce of respect. Roni peeks up at the two and almost smiles. Lucas lays a hand on El's shoulder.

"Friends don't lie," She says tiredly. "I'm sorry, too."

"Me too," Mike chims in, holding his hand out. Lucas stands and shakes it firmly. Roni smiles softly at the duo.

She claps sarcastically. They turn towards her. "Took you guys long enough," She gets up slowly. "Now that everyone are friends again, can we figure out what to do now?" They watch her for a moment, realizing their situation.

The Party minus El gathers sticks to make a plan. The sticks made a triangle shaped diorama to find the gate. Lucas drags a stick to mark where a road is. "This is Randolph Road, right here. The fence starts here, and goes all the way around," He circles the whole thing.

He puts down an old rusted soda can. "And this is the lab right here. The gate's gotta be in there somewhere. It's gotta be," He informs.

"Well, who owns Hawkins Lab?" Dustin asks. Roni pulls up her leg up and leans on it, twirling her hair as she examines the diorama.

"The sign says, 'Department of Energy'."

"Department of Energy? What do you think that means?"

Roni suddenly get an idea. "It's a cover," She said. Mike furrows his eyebrows.

"A cover for what?" Mike questions.

"I don't know. Anything. All I know is; energy companies don't ram kids with vans," Roni answers, shrugging.

"It also means government. Military. It could be a cover for that," Mike informs.

Lucas nods with them. "They're right. There's soldiers out front."

"Do they make, like, light bulbs or something?" Dustin asks.

Mike shakes his head. "No, weapons, to fight the Russians, and commies and stuff."

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