C H A P T E R T W E N T Y - E I G H T

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C H A P T E R T W E N T Y - E I G H T

C H A P T E R   T W E N T Y - E I G H TNormal

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The Party sat in the Wheeler basement. Finally finishing their game they played before losing their friend. Roni, as usual, sat on the couch, reading a fashion magazine and listening to music. And she hears the cheers of the Party landing the finishing blow to whatever monster they must slay.

She sits up and watches her boys with a small smile. Mike acts out the monsters last moments. They look in eagerness, jumping from their seats like it was a football game watching the player run towards the end zone.

"Its clawed hand reaches for you one last time and, and, and, and..." Mike reaches upwards dramatically and falls 'dead' on the ground. They cheer and hug. Mike gets back into the chair. "Lucas cuts off its seven heads, and Dustin places them into his bag of holding."

Dustin holds up his backpack proudly. Roni rolls her eyes. "You carry the heads out of the dungeon victorious, and you present them to King Tristan. He thanks you for your bravery and service," Mike finishes. Dustin protests to the somewhat boring outcome and they all begin to argue about what it should've been.

Jonathan comes downstairs, "Jeez, what's that smell? Have you guys been playing games all day or just farting?" He teases.

"It's been both. I had to stick down here all day, smelling it all," Roni fakes a shudder.

"Yeah, it's just Dustin. He farted," Lucas blows a raspberry.

Roni shrugs. "I'm not surprised. He's just one big fart sack," Dustin sticks his tongue out to the both of them. Lucas laughs and agrees. "You're no better, Sinclair." He frowns. Will joins in laughter. Dustin and Roni meet eyes for moment before quickly turning away. A pink tint reaches her cheeks.

Will grabs his bag and leaves with his brother. Roni watches as Dustin and Lucas play wrestle around with her eyebrow raised. But she turns around to see Mike looking at the fort with a heartbroken look. She lays a hand on his shoulder, making him turn around and put on a front.

"Hey, I miss her too. Everytime I see Eggos or a blonde wig, I think of her," Roni looks him in the eyes. Mike nods solemnly. "Anytime, you need to talk or punch something, I'll be here." Mike has a ghost of a smile on his face and Roni takes that as he understands.

Though, El and Roni were very close during the time she was in Mike's basement, the connection Eleven had with Mike was something Roni could never measure up. He was still mourning not only the loss of a friend, but also a crush. He never had the chance to really enjoy and get to know Eleven even more.

Roni stepped away and sat back on the couch, reading a magazine. She did all she can for Mike, just be there for him and if he comes to her, she'll help him. The rest of it is up to Mike and his heart.

Things soon got back to normal.

The Party got Will back. Steve was with Nancy again. Roni stayed annoyed at her friends.

It seemed everything was perfect.

But that is a lie.

Nothing would ever go back to normal.

Nobody saw the wrapped up packet of Eggo's Hopper left in a wooden box outside. Or the person that took them.

No one saw the thing Will threw up in the sink later that night. Or the flash backs of the Upside Down. The strange way he felt, like he wasn't himself. A sudden change in the air.

Their lives would never be the same again. But Roni or anyone else didn't know.

But change is coming, and they will never expect it.


Author's Note

Hi all! I want to thank you for reading this story. It is my first one and I appreciate you guys that read this. I really do!

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