C H A P T E R T W E N T Y - S I X

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C H A P T E R T W E N T Y - S I X

C H A P T E R   T W E N T Y - S I XDemogorgon

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Eleven sat next to Mike with her head on his shoulder, exhausted from using most of her powers. Roni laid down on the bleachers on her back with her eyes closed. They sat in tense silence, when Mike jumps up and out of the gym.

He stomps back in minutes later. "They're gone," Mike says firmly.

"What?" Lucas asked.

"Nancy and Jonathan. His car's gone."

"They're probably just sucking face somewhere," Dustin spoke nonchalantly. Mike wrinkles his nose in disgust and Lucas mutters 'gross'.

Roni reaches over and hits his shoulder, still laying down. "That's disgusting and that's my brother's girlfriend you're talking about, Henderson," He raises up his arms in surrender.

"Did they go with chief?" Lucas questioned.

"I don't know!" Mike answers.

"No," Eleven mutters.

"What? Did you see them? Do you know where they went?" Mike asked rapidly.

Eleven paused. "Yes," She answered.

"Where? Where did they go?"


Lucas, Dustin, and Mike jump up to talk nervously about what to do next. Roni sat beside El rubbing the back of her hand comfortingly. Eleven had her knees pulled to her chest, watching them talk.

"Guys, guys! This is crazy," Mike raised his voice slightly. "We can't just wait around."

"Mike, in case you forgot, we're still fugitives. The bad men are still looking for us," Lucas said matter of factly.

"Yeah, and we don't even know where your sister is," Dustin adds.

"El can find them," Mike gestures to a tired El.

"Uh, no, she can't. She's still worn out from the Bath," Roni yells from her seat.

"Mike look at her," Dustin points to Eleven who looks at him innocently. "I still think we should stick to the chief's plan."

"Exactly. We stay here, keep El out of sight and keep her safe. That's the most important thing, remember? Besides, she's okay. She's with Jonathan," Lucas explains. Dustin nods and walks away.

"Well, where are you going? You just said to stick to the plan!" Mike yells at Dustin's back.

"I am. I'm just gonna go get some chocolate pudding. I'm telling you, Lunch Lady Phyllis hoards that stuff," He informs.

"Are you serious?!"

"El needs to be recharged!"

Lucas walks with him to the cafeteria. Roni jumps up at the mention of food. "And so do I. Be right back, El," She scurries along side Lucas and Dustin to find food. She hadn't eaten all day so she was starving. Mike begrudgingly follows with El in tow.

They search in the cabinets and check the fridge. Roni's eyes light up at seeing the canned pudding. "I knew she was hoarding it," Dustin said. Roni dives into the fridge, grabbing all the pudding her arms could hold.

"Lunch Lady Phyllis is seriously the worst. How could she deprive children of this deliciousness?" Roni rants slightly.

"What kinda Lunch Lady is that?" Lucas questions.

"A lying one," Dustin turns his body. "Mike, I found the chocolate pudding!" Dustin's voice cracks as he yells. Roni winced.

"Geez, pipe down," She scolds. "And we found the pudding, it was a team effort," Roni corrects.

"Uh, no it wasn't. I suggested we look in the fridge and guess what was there?" He holds up the pudding. "My idea." Dustin walks away to the table, laying down the pudding. Roni rolls her eyes.

"Oh, shut up, Dusty-bun," Roni smiles as Dustin cringes at the nickname.

"Make me, Roni-poo," He teases. Roni points her tongue at him. And he returns it. That spark returns to Roni. Her heart beats faster but she ignores it. Trying to keep it at bay.

The two came up with the nicknames when biking to school one day, and saw a teen couple, holding hands. They slowed down to hear their conversation which was all gooey love stuff. Then they said stupid nicknames for each other which sounded hilarious to them.

So, they came up with the most annoying names for each other when they were being annoyed.

Lucas rolls his eyes at the two.

Mike suddenly ran to them as Roni tries to open her pudding. "Guys, Guys!" He yells.

"They found us."


They drop everything and start running back to the gym to grab their stuff. They rush down the hallways in the dark, panting. "How did they find us?" Lucas whispers.

"I don't know, but they knew we were in the gym," Mike answers.

"It doesn't matter now. They found us and we need to get out of here," Roni jumps down the small flight of stairs. As they run close to the exit, a group of agents come running at them. They turn down a smaller hallway but another group of agents charge at them.

A woman with blonde hair points her gun at them five of them. The light from their flashlights flicker as El uses her powers on them. The agents shake slightly. Blood falls out of their eyes. Then all of them fall to the ground, dead.

Roni's seen a dead body before, it was her grandmother, she died when she was seven. And she would never forget the last words that she said to Roni. 'Veronica, put on a dress, at least look decent while I'm dying.' She was a hateful old woman. She hated everyone even her brother. Though Roni and her grandmother weren't on the best terms, she still cried at the funeral only because everyone else did.

They peered around at the dead people on the ground. El falls to the ground unconscious. The Party runs to her. Mike shakes her awake. "She's barely breathing," Mike informs.

"We gotta go," Lucas tells them.

"Leave her!" The same white haired man yells, making the group jump back. "Step away from the child." He orders.

"No! You want her, you have to kill us first," Mike yells back.

"That's right!" Dustin tells him.

"Try it!" Roni shouts. Then four men come up behind and grab them. Roni struggles beneath his strong hold. "Let me go, you morons! I will bite off your noses!" He tries to lift her up but she's wiggling around so much.

The boys scream to be released but Mike struggles the most. Eleven looks between the man named 'Papa' and her struggling friends. She reaches for Mike. "Mike. Mike," She called weakly. El turned to the man. "Bad." She says to the so-called 'Papa'. Suddenly the light flickers rapidly and it wasn't coming from El.

Roni's eyes widen as she recalls what draws the monster here. "Blood," Mike mutters.

"What?" Lucas looks worriedly at Mike. And he just repeats. Then the wall with the school logo bursts forward as if something was caged inside. A claw comes out of the wall, reaching for anything it can get to. It screeches loudly.

"Demogorgon," Roni and Dustin chorus.

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