C H A P T E R T W E N T Y - T W O

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C H A P T E R   T W E N T Y - T W O
The Look

C H A P T E R   T W E N T Y - T W OThe Look

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The Party enters Mike's basement with tired smiles. Mike, Dustin, and Roni accomplished one thing that day. Finding El. Though they couldn't get Lucas and Mike to make up or find the Gate, or the ultimate goal; find Will. But they accomplished something.

Dustin walks downstairs carrying a First-Aid kit. Roni sat on the couch crossed-legged. "Found it," He sits next to her and searches for peroxide and Band-Aids.

He cleans the cut on Roni's forehead, and lays a Batman band-aid. Roni winced at the touch, he mumbles 'Sorry'. He pulls away and Roni touches it gently. "How does it look?" She asks.

"Uh, pretty good?" Dustin grinned nervously.

Roni rolls her eyes. "So, convincing. When this scars over, you think I'll still be a perfect ten?" She wonders out loud. He shakes his head and touches the Batman band-aid.

"Nah, you went down to about six," He jokes. Roni frowns and grabs his hand away from her face, but doesn't let go. The two stare at their intertwined hands. Roni blushes a deep red while Dustin looks back up at her in shock. Her heart beats wildly and little does she know that did Dustin's did too.

A sudden spark lights between the two. Their eyes meet. Baby blue meeting dark blue. Dustin continues to stare at the girl. Roni parts her lips slightly.

"I-I-" Roni stutters.

"Mayday, mayday! Dustin can you read me! Anyone!?" Lucas' voice indistinctly yells from the Walkie-Talkie. The two pull their hands away from each other hesitantly, still gazing at one another. Roni breaks eye contact first, she runs to the radio. She holds it up to talk. Dustin heads into the bathroom to alert Mike and El.

Dustin walks back with Mike and El in tow, Mike takes the Walkie-Talkie away from Roni. She frowns. "Do you remember how he said he was looking for the gate?" Dustin starts.

"Yeah?" Mike said.

"What if he found it?" They try to listen to what Lucas is saying but he spoke frantically that they couldn't understand.

"What's he saying?" Mike asked. Roni then takes the radio from Mike.
"Lucas, Lucas, we can't understand you! Speak like a normal person!" She yells into the Walkie-Talkie.

"I am a normal person, Roni! They know about Eleven! Get out of there! They know about Eleven! The bad men are coming! All of them!" Lucas screams. Roni's eyes widen. They run up the basement stairs and up to the nearest window.

They looked to see a white van parked outside of his home. A man sat inside.

"What's that guy doing?" Mike asked.

"You don't think..." Dustin trails off. Mike gives him a look and runs to the kitchen. Roni gives him a nod and they continue to watch the suspicious van. Soon, more vans show up, all from the same company, all around Mike's house. Dustin closes the curtains quickly.

They run into the kitchen panting slightly. "Mike!" Dustin calls out to him, but Mike ignores him.

"Mike!" Roni screams. He whips around to them.

"We need to leave...right now," Dustin pants. He swiftly turns around and runs out the kitchen. Roni follows quickly behind. They grab their jackets, grab El and rush out the back door. Roni grabs her bike and runs along side it, panting heavily, her wound still aches.

They slow to a stop and jump onto the bikes. They turn their heads towards a group of men walking towards them. A man with white hair stares at the group.

Roni sighs loudly. "What're we having a staring contest? Let's go!" She yells, snapping the rest of them from the gaze of the bad men.The bad men head into their vans, tires screeching. Roni pedals even faster.

"Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Oh, my God," Dustin said rapidly. Roni grips the handle bars tightly. She hears him talking to Lucas on the headphones version of the Walkie-Talkie. "Copy. Elm and Cherry!" He informs the group.

"Got it!" Roni yells back, turning her bike down a road. She glances behind her to see two vans following them closely.

"This way, come on!" Mike shouts. They cross through a backyard and yell at a few girls to get out of the way. They head down another road and Roni's face lights up at seeing Lucas. The Party slows to a stop.

"Where are they?" Lucas pants, skidding his bike to a halt. Roni leans her head on the handle bars, breathing heavily.

"I don't know," Mike answers.

"I think we lost them," Dustin said. But he was absolutely wrong when screeching tires from three vans comes speeding towards the group. Roni takes a deep breath in and begins pedaling like her life depended on it. And it did.

As their pedaling a van in front of them comes barreling towards the group, not making any signs of stopping. They all scream.

All of the sudden the van stops, launched in the air. It spins, flying over the group. They watch in amazement. "Cool," Roni whispers. The van lands with a loud crash upside down in front of the other vans. It stops in the way of the other vans.

El yet again saves them from trouble.

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