C H A P T E R T W E N T Y - O NE

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C H A P T E R  T W E N T Y - O N E
The Fall

C H A P T E R  T W E N T Y - O N EThe Fall

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Once they make it to the woods, they yelled for Eleven. Roni pushed her bike across the crunching leaves. "Eleven!" She panted.

Mike slowed to stop. "Hey, stop. Did you hear that?" He asked. Roni shook her head. Her heartbeats faster at the thought of the monster hidden in the woods. Mike yelled Eleven's name a few more times but freezes when he sees something worse.

Troy and James stalked up the hill, glaring menacingly at the three. They stomp up towards them. "Hey, there, Frogface," Troy switches open his switchblade.

"Toothless. Blondie," James speaks not as darkly as Troy. Roni swallowed at the sight of the blade but her eyes widen at the thought of what was in her backpack. Though, before she could tell them her plan, they turn away.

"Run!" He yells. Mike runs behind.

Roni whispers, "Morons." She bolts behind the boys. Roni could hear them chase after. Her blonde hair bounced around in her face, becoming a vision problem. She silently wished she threw her hair in a pony-tail.

Though, Roni hated running with a passion, she could run fast. But it did mean that she had low stamina. They head towards the top of the quarry. Roni was slowing coming to a stop and so was Dustin.

Dustin stops suddenly and groans. "Cramp," Roni takes his arm and help him run along with Mike, but he is much slower than before. She breathes heavily through her mouth.

"Come on, you-you can do this!" Roni yelled.

"Just keep going!" Mike yells. Troy chases with pure fury at the three of them. They skidded to a halt when they notice James on the other side, trapping them in. Mike and Dustin picks up a rock and a stick.

Roni stops and stares Troy down. The three of them probably could take down James but Troy with a blade is even more dangerous at the moment.

"Stay back! Don't come any closer!" Mike threatens, holding up a large rock. Dustin points a stick at Troy and Roni stared darkly at him. She silently hoped that he would think this through but she knows that all he sees now is red.

Mike throws the rock at James and misses. James scoffs at his attempt at a throw. "Nice throw," He says sarcastically.

It suddenly reminded her about the fun times with Steve when she was younger. They played baseball all the time. He taught her how to pitch. She had a pretty good aim but Roni's key skill was batting.

Roni watched Troy's movements carefully. Dustin, in an attempt of bravery, tries to attack Troy with the stick and misses. Troy tries to grab Dustin. Roni quickly pushes him out of the way. Troy instead grabs the blonde. He points the blade towards her face.

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