Post Prologue 3000 Years Later

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"Ok, so let me get this straight. There are all of the Pyrriah dragons, the LeafWings, HiveWings and SilkWings. Those are the only dragons in the world?" Tsunami harshly whispered to Sunny.

"Yes." Whispered Sunny, less gruffly, back to Tsunami.

"And there are no more mind control plants or dragons?"

"Yes, there are no more."

"Ok, good." Sighed Tsunami as she and Sunny strode up to a SilkWing who was flapping up to the entrance of Jade Mountain alongside a HiveWing and a RainWing. All of them merrily chatted together. Folding in their wings, the friends held nervous but excited expressions.

"Welcome, welcome!" Sunny grinned as bright as her name. "I'm Sunny, one of the founders of Jade Mountain Academy!"

"Hi," Started the SilkWing shyly, "I'm Butterfly. And this Honeycomb and Jaguar."

"We're glad that you're here!" Sunny genially welcomed them. Just a few talon steps away was Clay and Glory who were also greeting incoming dragonets.

After all that's happened, I can't believe we're here now. The two continents are at peace. Jade Mountain Academy is thriving like ever before. I'm eight, same as my other four And most importantly, no prophecies. Tsunami thought.

The pulchritudinous colors and patterns of the SilkWings and excited and nervous RainWings or the shimmering glow from the IceWings blanketed over the serene colors of the NightWings or SandWings.

"Welcome everyone! We're so glad you're here!" Started Tsunami, loud enough for all of the dragonets to hear. "We are pleased to tell you that Jade Mountain Academy has thrived like never before and our school currently holds over one hundred dragonets! How exciting! If you need anything, don't be afraid to ask any of your friends or us, the head dragons of the school. Enjoy your stay and have fun learning and make new friends!"

The attention of the dragons went back to their companions and the loud chatter filled up the room again.

"Wow, I'm surprised you didn't have a 'if you cause any trouble I'll rip a scale off you' or 'being mean to friends means getting a talon chopped off'." Queen Glory snorted as she casually came up to her friend.

"Why would I say that? I'm not evil or threatening." Tsunami rolled her eyes in response.

"Oh dear me, I'm sorry." Glory apologized sarcastically. Chuckling lightly, the two weaved their way into the crowds greeting new dragonets. Everything was good, no evil no danger. Darkstalker was gone, as was the mind-control plants and everyone was at peace.

"GAHH!" A shrill ricocheted through the entrance as Moonwatcher, an older student to the academy fell to the floor, shaking as though an eel had electrified her. Racing over to her was Qibli, Moon's "friend" who was already trying to help her in anyway he could as his mind and eyes raced with worry. The five Dragonets of Destiny raced over-except for Starflight who felt his way over with Fatespeaker-and nervously glanced at Moon.

There were dragons to stop a war. There were dragons to end a fight. There were continents that collided together, to stop the mind-control and make things right. Friends of different kingdoms had changed the dragon of dark. And all of these evils that have taken place had certainly made their mark.

Moon's voice paused then became weirdly dark.

But as the two continents have lived in peace, what no one realizes is that not all prophecies rhyme and not all stories end in happiness. We have tooled with you but no more. We are coming to take over the world and no one can stop us.

The night and sea and sand will clash into the snow. The rain and silk and hive will leave and no one will know.  The sky, mud and leaf will mix into the fog below. But no matter how you try to stop it, we will win over dragons and we will destroy the light.

"THREE MOONS!" Tsunami growled with rage and and a flicker of fear. "What kind of prophecy was that?"

Qibli helped Moon to her talons and made sure she was ok. Weakly nodding, Moon wobbled over to the five dragonets of the school.

"No, NO!" Tsunami growled, "NOT more PROPHECIES!" Her wings flared. Even Sunny had a deep frown on her face.

"We'll figure this out." Assured Sunny in a shaky hopeful voice. Turning around, Sunny gazed at the staring dragonets with nervous and anxious faces.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN?" Tsunami roared, "didn't you just hear that what the 'prophecy' said? Obviously it wasn't even really a was like someone took over Moon."

"I didn't feel like it took me over. It just felt like another prophecy." Moon almost whispered in a feared tone.

Stirring outside was uneasiness as the clouds blocked the sun and the winds whirred eerily. The five friends sensed it and they all turned to the entrance of Jade Mountain Academy with anxious expressions. Suddenly, a gasping dragon came crashing into the entrance of Jade Mountain and the gasps and whispers and stares and awe-struck faces of the dragonets all pinned the white, sparkly dragonet down. Hobbling up to her talons, the dragonet gasped and heaved in a panicked tone, "mountains, mountains! They'll clash! Snowstorms are stirring and the stars are disappearing! Clouds are blocking the view and water is falling! They're coming, they're coming!"

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