Chapter Seventeen

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"That should work." Nodded Moon.

"How do we know Darkstalker won't just see the future and see our plans?" Questioned a dimly lit Treeleaf.

"No. He won't. Not if I do it." Answered Sunbeam.

"Are you sure?" Asked Treeleaf again.

"Yes," said Sunbeam full of assurance, "I'm sure."

"For Turtle." Moon whispered. It ricocheted and Kinkajou, Qibli, Treeleaf, and Sunbeam all repeated the same.

But Sunbeam replied it the most reluctantly.

"Now that we have a plan, and know for sure that Darkstalker can't see the future of this plan," Qibli gazed nervously at Sunbeam but she nodded in assurance, "then when do we start?"

Sunbeam blew out a sharp, quick breath.

"When Darkstalker gets back...." Said Sunbeam. And she didn't finish her sentence.

"Right, I know it'll be difficult but...try to get some sleep." Suggested Treeleaf.

Kinkajou was already out cold, Sunbeam realized but she was murmuring Turtle's name.

Soon, Treeleaf was out too. And eventually Qibli.

Sunbeam breathed fire on her chains until her fire ran out. Nothing was going to break these chains.

"Sunbeam, are you still awake? Was that you who breathed that fire?" Whispered Moonwatcher from Sunbeam's far right.

"Yes. I—I can't sleep knowing that a dead Turtle is next to me...gone."

"Me neither. I also so confused at why I'm not having any visions about the biggest problem these two continents have ever faced. Pantala and Pyrriah has come together even though they were so far away and we faced all of the troubles. But this is something no one can stop it seems.... And now Turtle is...gone."

"I know, I'm sorry Moon. I—I honestly don't know what to say...I just...something happened to me. That's how I know how to...stop Darkstalker. But I can't tell you because then you'd know and then Darkstalker would know. I much is happening all too fast and it's so confusing." Explained Sunbeam, tears threatening to spill.

Moonwatcher sensed the shakiness in her tone and spoke, "we'll win this time. I'll be with you the whole time and so will all of your friends. We. Will. Win. This."

Sniffing, Sunbeam whispered back, "thank you, Moonwatcher."

Moments later, Sunbeam closed her eyes and fell into a restless sleep.


Sunbeam snapped awake. She barely noticed in the dim light that everyone else was asleep.... Forcing her eyes close at the sight of Turtle, Sunbeam refused to think he was dead.

Not knowing what time it was, Sunbeam was only thinking of food and water right now but there didn't seem to be any sign of those any time soon.

It didn't matter though. was the day where the friends had to make their plan work. They had too. one knew that Sunbeam had left a major key out of their plan. She could not tell them or Darkstalker would know.

Hours passed and finally, Moon and Qibli and Treeleaf and Kinkajou woke up. After the group revised their plan again, they all just leaned against the chains and waited.

Finally. It was Darkstalker and Whiteout. They strode into the cave together.

Here we go.... Sunbeam thought and narrowed her eyes.

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