Chapter Two

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After Sunbeam's restless sleep, she woke up the next morning, her stomach grumbling. No mother or father or sibling was in her home even though she was a six-year-old dragonet, and it was quiet.

 It wasn't so much of a peaceful quiet was more of a lonely quiet. 

Coming out of her den, Sunbeam headed for the CloudWing Palace. Traveling only a little bit past many houses and platforms, Sunbeam finally arrived at the largest platform in the CloudWing Kingdom...the palace. Being only slightly larger than the Sun building, Queen Puff's palace didn't seem quite different than other CloudWings' homes except for it was more massive and guards patrolled on the wider landing area. 

There were three levels of the "Dragons' Teeth" that stacked on top of each other. Each of them decreased in size each time but only just a bit. The top level was where the queen resided and had made that level not transparent so she could have her own privacy. The bottom two floors were for any dragon who wished to see the palace or Queen Puff.

On her way, Sunbeam cleared her mind and only focused on the gentle wind current, carrying her to her destination as it gently brushed against her wing tips. 

How she'd miss having the wind current. There was no other one like it for it was specially built from an animus dragon long ago, specifically for the CloudWing tribe. 

During her flight, the thoughts started to bubble up. Why hadn't her friends come with her? Were they afraid? Well Sunbeam was too, but look at where she was now. Already missing her friends, Sunbeam tried not to think how she had no one. 

No one to care enough for her anyway to come along a dangerous journey with her. No one to say "I'll follow you to the ends of the world because I know that you have no family and we're the closest to being family to you." But they had just left her, just like that. 

Sure, they were kind and caring to Sunbeam and were great friends but they couldn't overcome their fear or love meaning they wouldn't have to go down with Sunbeam? Getting too deep into thought, Sunbeam had to shake off the horrible feelings she was starting to stir up about the only dragons in the world who cared about her. 

She had been so lost in thought that she didn't even realize the palace was in sight. 

Welcomingly, the sun beamed down into the palace and lightened up Sunbeam's spirits as she passed a smiling CloudWing, carrying her baby dragonet in a sling, for he was probably too young to fly. 

Longingly, she gazed at how the mother held her dragonet in such a loving way but she only glanced for a moment, then focused her attention elsewhere.

Sunbeam swooped down to the bottom platform where four guards were standing precisely by the entrance. Nodding politely to the soldiers, they let Sunbeam through to where the queen was attending to some dragons stuffed with questions or comments or just wanted to have a conversation with her. Dragons often did that to grow closer to the queen.

At the sight of Sunbeam, the queen had apologized to the dragons inside waiting and told them she'd be back soon. Hopping out of her seat--not a throne--and striding over to Sunbeam, Queen Puff greeted her in an affable way and gingerly grasped onto her talons.

"Sunbeam, I cannot thank you too many times. I really, really appreciate you doing this." Spoke the queen with glistening eyes.

"Of course, my queen," started Sunbeam politely, "it's no trouble at all."

WHAT ARE YOU SAYING? Sunbeam's mind shouted into her ears. DON'T YOU REALIZE WHAT YOU HAVE TO DO? 

Then, Sunbeam gazed around at all of the smiling, laughing dragons. She realized they had no idea what was happening below. CloudWings can't live this amazing life and not know that there are so many who need help.

"Honestly," the queen started, "I'd have done it, Sunbeam. But I need to run the kingdom. I saw something in you that I don't see in other dragons."

Reluctantly, Sunbeam asked, "what is it...that um y-you see in me?"

"Wanting." She said, "I know about your family, and I can never tell you how sorry I am but I see the need and want shining in your eyes. But it isn't greedy. You see other's wants and needs and you recognize them. You want to help them, Sunbeam just as your family would help you. Just as your friends help and care for you."

Cared. Thought Sunbeam gruffly. But she smiled with genuine gratefulness and thanked the queen.

"Now, we have no time to lose. One of my guards will escort you to the edge of our territory and then you'll go it alone from there. Is that alright with you?"

"Yes, thank you." She gave her a tiny, weak smile as she stiffly nodded.

"Alright, if you're sure. Guard!" The queen called. Immediately, a guard flapped by the queen's side, ready to attend to anything she needed.

"Yes, my queen?"

"Please escort Sunbeam, here to the edge of the CloudWing territory. Make sure she gets safely to the edge and then you may come back."

"Yes, Queen Puff." He bowed and gazed into Sunbeam's deep blue eyes, waiting for her to move. Without hesitation, the queen unfurled her wings and wrapped them around Sunbeam.

"You are our hope." She whispered in her ear. Sunbeam dreaded and took pride from that word. She didn't want to be the hope. She knew that the Creator was their hope. Still, Sunbeam wrapped her wings around the queen and whispered, "thank you, my queen."

Pulling away, Sunbeam gently smiled at the queen then at the soldier and his lip curled upward slightly.

"Goodbye Queen Puff." Sunbeam bowed in respect. She gazed quickly throughout the palace, hoping to spot Rainbow or Lightstreak. They weren't there as expected because they didn't know when Sunbeam was going to leave. As much as Sunbeam wanted to just stay behind and be with her friends and not worry about the world, she knew she couldn't because the fate of the two continents rested on her talons. She had to leave now.

Flapping out of the queen's palace along with the guard, Sunbeam shakily flew far past all the CloudWings' homes and curious CloudWings until she got to the edge of the CloudWing territory. Reluctantly, Sunbeam awkwardly commented, "thanks for escorting me."

Nodding, the guard said nothing but returned a small smile. Turning her head down, Sunbeam gazed at the clustered layer of clouds far below. After she got past those clouds, she'd be revealed to Pyrriah. 

This is all apart of your plan. Sunbeam thought to the Creator. 

Blowing out a breath, Sunbeam spread her wings and dove down and down not glancing back once. 

Wings of Fire: Clouded VisionsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz