Chapter Fifteen

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"WAKE UP!" Sunbeam felt talons slash across her face. She cried, gasping awake. Cold, hard chains held her tail, neck, wings and legs to the floor.

Her drooping eyes forced to open, hoping not to get another aching, irritating, throbbing pain on Sunbeam's face. To her left was a half-conscious Kinkajou, also chained up and to her right was also a half-conscious-trying-to-wake-up Treeleaf. Neither of them had slashes on their faces....

"Now that we have your attention, shall we start?" An unfamiliar voice growled. All the pixels were trying to leave and Sunbeam tried to stencil out who was in front of her.

"Kinkajou, Sunbeam, Treeleaf, Qibli, Turtle aaaand Mooooonwatcher."

Sunbeam stared at the dragon in front of her, now fully awake. She then gazed over next to Treeleaf and  Turtle was chained to the floor. Next to him, on the farthest left side of Sunbeam was Qibli.

And next to Kinkajou was Moon, on the very end of Sunbeam's right side. Moon and everyone else stared  hard at the ginormous dragon in front of them.

"Darkstalker?" Gasped Moon, her face going and IceWing colored white, as did everybody else's face.

"Hello Moonwatcher..." Darkstalker slithered. "Soo nice to see you again. You know, something I've noticed while I was gone is that, NightWings really aren't the superior dragons. It's not really the NightWings with an 's'.... It's just 'NightWing'. Me. Obviously because I came back."

"B-b-but how?" Kinkajou squeaked next to Treeleaf.

"Idiot DRAGONETS! Are you serious?! I literally saw the future and was the most powerful animus dragon in the world! Did you think I was stupid enough to swallow a strawberry and become an idiot dragonet who loooves to bake and live in the fun forest!" His sarcastic voice rang in Sunbeam's ears. For some reason, Sunbeam couldn't get into Darkstalker's mind but he didn't have any skyfire.

"How long have you been back?" Questioned Qibli.

"Hmm let's see I have been back...never. I. Never. Left."

Nobody said anything. Sunbeam gazed around the room, trying to figure out where they all were.

"Knock, knock." Yet another unfamiliar voice said.

"Ah! Just in time.... Come in." Said Darkstalker, locking his gaze onto Sunbeam with a devious, evil smile.

"Till the darkness comes again, the light resides in the open. But shadows are always in the way."

Who is that? Sunbeam thought.

"Something I've learned from living for so long is that I can't trust a friend of any sort." Started Darkstalker. "Clearsight betray me and Moonwatcher destroyed me. I won't reign with a 'friend' again. Only from the same blood can we rule. That's why Whiteout, my beloved sister, is going to rule with me and not any of you puny, ridiculous dragonets."

"How is she alive?" Moon gasped.

"I brought her back with animus magic."

"But she isn't herself." Moon said, narrowing her eyes.

"No, she is. I made her just like she used to be and she's perfect. I didn't have to change anything about her because Whiteout is so...good. She's never in the way of anything."

"Because she doesn't care what you do." Retorted Kinkajou. "She just nods her head and smiles. That's the kind of dragon she is."

"Yes. And it's perfect for me." Darkstalker smiled with all his teeth.

"What do you even want with us slug headed, evil dragon?!" Kinkajou demanded bravely. She open her mouth and shot the venom out of her teeth. It spewed to Darkstalker's face and hit him in the eye. 

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