Chapter Three

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Swooping down through the tufts of the trees and landing on the damp ground of the forest, Sunbeam gazed up at the sun rays beaming through the fluffy tree edges of the forest. Her talons sheathed into the damp cool soil and a wave of her scales blended into the surroundings soothingly. The ground was cool and nice and a light, gentle breeze grazed against Sunbeam's face. The Creator had made a stunning world. 

Her ears twitched behind her. Whipping around, Sunbeam's hard stare fell to a rustling bush. All her scales rippled until they blended with the surroundings. She quietly backed behind a bush. 

A long moment passed and when Sunbeam thought she was safe, her scales changed back to normal.

What kind of dragon are you? A voice suddenly appeared in her head. Sunbeam immediately knew who it was. Darkstalker. Wait, did that mean if she could hear his voice...she could read minds?! Like only what a queen could do? No, no she couldn't think about this now. Mysterious Darkstalker voice. 

Haha. Silly dragon. Darkstalker is gone. Sad. Oh well. I, little peculiar dragonet, am Visionslayer. 

"So you're a NightWing. Are you a student? Or are you hiding somewhere?" She asked in her mind. Was that rude? Was that mean? She thought quietly.

Ha! Visionslayer chuckled again. Don't worry, I don't hate you. I actually like you already. There was a long pause then Visionslayer spoke, I'd like to meet you. I am a student and I will be at Jade Mountain Academy today. Will you be there?

"Um, y-yes. Sure I'll go." Why would she go? She was a new dragon and would be...she didn't know what would happen if she did go but she couldn't go. But she had just said yes. 

Please, I'll like you however you look. I'll protect you from other dragons who stare at you.

"Did you just read my thoughts?" Of course he did. He was a mind reader. As quick as a snap of a twig, Sunbeam sighed but forced her frustration down. Maybe this was good, this would help her warn--cutting herself off, Sunbeam knew Visionslayer must've been listening. 

Indeed I am. Warn who about what? 

"Nevermind, I'm sorry. There's a lot on my mind. I don't want you to be dragged into this."

Oh, don't even worry about it. I don't need to know everything even though I am reading your mind. What kind of dragon are you? A hybrid I suppose. An IceWing, a SkyWing and a NightWing?

"Yes, that is true."  And it was. Technically. 

You are a peculiar one, little dragonet. 

"Why do you call me little? Aren't you a dragonet too?"

Yes, but I'm a large dragonet, so I guess everyone is small for me.

"I see. Well, could I ask you more questions when I see you?"

"You can ask me right now." A dark figure appeared out of the shadows of the forest. Surprised, Sunbeam's scales rippled half way blending into the surroundings. Smoothing back, Sunbeam gazed at the face smiling slyly and somehow warmly at the same time. 

"You're here?" She gasped pawing back a bit. He lied to me?

"Ahh, don't think of it as lying. After all, you were the one to show up in the NightWing territory, and the RainWing territory. Is it wrong to be a little cautious?"

He had a point. "You're right." She nodded.

What? His mind whirred in surprise. So, she could read minds. That was absolutely crazy to think.

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