Chapter Four

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After a long, uncomfortable flight in a choking silence, the three dragonets came into view of Jade Mountain Academy. 

"I haven't um...planned ahead and signed into the school program or anything."

"That's ok, they'll let you stay with some dragonets." Treeleaf assured her, knowing that she was trying to get out of going. "I know you'll fit right in. We'll be here with you." 

Ruffling her wingtips, Sunbeam curled up her lips back and thanked him through her eyes. 

Dragons of every tribe and color on both continents fluttered and flit and flapped in and out of Jade Mountain, causing a whirlwind of genial feelings and conversations to stretch into the placid forest and rigid cliffs. Clusters of dragonets and their parents spread for thousands of wingtips. 

"Weren't there only like thirty-five dragonets at the beginning?" Asked Treeleaf curiously. 

"Yes but that was months ago." Visionslayer stated the obvious, "so now more dragons are coming because after previous events with the mind control and Darkstalker," his voice turned into sarcasm, "they wanted to come to Jade Mountain Academy where they can safely learn and make friends. So that's why there are more than thirty-five dragonets."

"But Darkstalker came into Jade Mountain Academy first." Pointed out Treeleaf patiently. 

"Yes, but it's safe now." Said Visionslayer, dipping down lower so he could land smoothly on the platform. Sunbeam was too soaked up in her own worries to listen to the two have a civilized argument. 

Maybe she could pull of being a hybrid of some sort...with some crazy powers. Sunbeam flapped in between Treeleaf and Visionslayer trying to be unobtrusive in the crowd of dragons. But she didn't fit too well between the two because of her massive wingspan. 

Here I go.... Being revealed to...everyone. She thought. No, this is what needs to happen or I can't save Pyrriah and Pantala from the evil that's frankly nowhere to be found. Not even a trace of a hint is showing. Strange.

Landing on the cliff platform, Sunbeam tucked in her wings and leaned closer to Treeleaf than Visionslayer for protection and coverage. Pawing shakily past clusters of elated dragonets who were examining and gazing at everything around with awe, Sunbeam blew out a short breath in relief that no had seemed to notice her yet in the crowd. She didn't stand out in the crowd thanks to the dazzling colors of the SilkWings or the flashing sparklyness of the IceWings. 

Sunbeam, along with her new friends, maneuvered their way through the dragons and ended up where a NightWing was stacking a pile of scrolls in her talons but a few slipped out of her grasp and crinkled slightly as the delicate ends met harshly to the floor. Without thinking, Sunbeam hurriedly picked up the few scrolls and held them out for the stressful but exciting looking NightWing. 

"Thanks." The frazzled dragonet breathed out sharply, barely making any eye contact with Sunbeam. 

"No problem." She said simply. "When you get a chance, do you mind showing me and my friends where to go? We're new here."

"Sure!" Started the NightWing in her enthused tone as she shoved the scrolls jankly onto a shelf. "I'm Fatespeaker, by the way. Whoahhhhhh."  Gasped Fatespeaker now taking a good long look at Sunbeam.

Strange dragon. Sunbeam heard Fatespeaker's voice in her head.

"What kind of dragon are you?"

"Don't I look like an IceWing?" Chuckled Sunbeam nervously. 

"No way. I mean sure, your scales are white but they're not tinted with the light blue that all IceWings have. It's more of like a softer white like a...a cloud."

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