Chapter Eighteen

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Even in the flickering, horrible lighting, Sunbeam noticed Darkstalker's stained talons.

"IceWings." Whispered Qibli. His face suddenly turned an IceWing scale white. "Not Winter, not Winter...." He whispered desperately.

"Don't worry. Your dear friend Winter is perfectly fine...for right now. Oh besides the fact that I wiped out the entire IceWing tribe except for your beloved Winter and Snowfall. They're very important in my plan."

Everybody's mouths dropped in awe. How could he? SUNBEAM now is your only chance!! Sunbeam snapped her mouth shut and narrowed her eyes.

"Oh what's wrong? Can you not do anything about it? Just like you couldn't do anything with Turtle?"

Sunbeam paused.... Then she started the plan.

"Your clues were all pointing towards the IceWings to distract us.... And for some reason I can't read your mind. But I can read minds. That's one of my powers. But you don't have sky fire."

"All powerful." Darkstalker grinned.

"And yet..." started Sunbeam, "you refuse to look in mind. But why?" Sunbeam held out the Skyfire she'd had ever since she got it. She dropped it to the floor and didn't hear Darkstalker even try to get in her mind.

"You're haunted by it for a reason I've discovered. And two words can sum it up just as two words you've said have given it all away."

A nervous snarl came upon Darkstalker and he stormed right up to her face.

"And what. Would that. Be." He demanded.

"Your very first to words. 'Wake up.'"

Everyone gave a look of surprise to Sunbeam. This was not the plan they established.

"You can't in my mind because your haunted of it as am I. But why? What do you know that I don't? You've managed to take over almost all the tribes and take control but of course you needed to take your time to plan this.... One thing you didn't think through however was your prophecy. None of it came true. We knew where all of the missing dragons and dragonets have gone and we've seen it. Nobody clashed in the snow because you wiped everyone out whether with magic or your claws. And no one caught into the fog below. You've been distracting us with all of this because you knew that there really was no prophecy. There was just...evil. But surely there should've been a prophecy but why not? It's because of me. It's because of the CloudWings. You knew about the CloudWings this whole time but how?"

Darkstalker snarled furiously. "So what?! Sure you figured it out but two words don't scare me."

"Yes, they do."

"Well then, what would those two words be...Sunbeam?"

"My past. You're haunted by my past."

"And how did 'wake up' give it all away?" He asked in a sarcastic voice.

"You know why...." Sunbeam snarled, "and how could you?!"

"What is happening?!" Kinkajou demanded.

"Yes, even I'm confused." Qibli admitted.

"It will all play out...I know him." Sunbeam glared at Darkstalker.

"But I know how to defeat you. And I will do it in a heartbeat. Because you don't fool me and you know what my last power is. You know what CloudWings are capable of.... And even though you though you could trick me, you didn't."

"And you know him how?" Treeleaf inquired.

"Because," started Sunbeam, "Darkstalker isn't back. He's gone for good in that dragonet. He's been wearing a disguise under a disguise. My past has come back to haunt me and I must face it. Because my life was not as I thought it was. I was an only dragonet in my family. My mother is hiding behind Whiteout and  my father is masked on Darkstalker. And they are taking over the world."

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