Chapter Sixteen

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It clicked. In everyone, the realization hit.

"TURTLE!!" Sunbeam screamed. Everyone else shouted muffled noises until they had no voice.

Instantly, Sunbeam's mouth clamped shut and she flew against the wall. Wriggling and struggling and doing anything to get out, Sunbeam growled and grunted, as did her friends.

NO NO NO. Sunbeam's mind screamed. TURTLE!! But then suddenly, an idea popped up in her mind. Darkstalker couldn't see it though, or they'd be caught.

Sunbeam, you have to do this for your friends. It's the only way.... Thought Sunbeam. Once Darkstalker leaves, you must form a plan and escape then save the world. This was never an option.... Not until Darkstalker put an end to my friend.

"Sunbeam, tsk tsk tsk. This is what happens when you don't do what your king asks so kindly of you."

You are not a king. Growled Sunbeam in her head, hoping that Darkstalker would hear her. But then again, if he did, he'd see her plans and she couldn't let that happen.

Sunbeam knew one way to get rid of Darkstalker. You revealed this to me, Creator. I just...I just can't believe that it's true. I've known it all along. Sunbeam tensely thought. I just have to wait for the perfect timing.  She glanced over at Turtle and tears started pouring out. She couldn't bare to see her friend. How could she just shove the thought of him gone forever away and make room for a plan? This was a time to mourn not to think of a plan, no matter what situation they were in.

"Well, we'll continue tomorrow. I have a lot more on my schedule then just to deal with you, dragonets. Come on, Whiteout." Darkstalker winged away in a regal way, Whiteout right behind him.

Just as Darkstalker and Whiteout left, everyone dropped to the floor and their mouths were free.

Sunbeam reaches for Turtle, as did everyone else and they all started to cry.

"Oh, Turtle...." Kinkajou sobbed, all her scales turning a dark blue.

Their dear friend a Turtle was gone...and everyone mourned for hours.


The silent hours somehow passed quickly or felt like ages. Sunbeam finally spoke up.

"I...I have a plan."

Everyone lifted their sagging heads.

"I've been thinking about one get my mind off...." Qibli didn't finish.

Sunbeam nodded sympathetically.

"Here's the plan...." For Turtle. Thought Sunbeam.

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