Chapter Twenty-Three

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"I...I don't know what to say...." Treeleaf choked.

"Then let me say it for you."

Everybody turned around and widened their eyes.

"SUNBEAM?!" Treeleaf, Lightstreak and Rainbow all gasped at the same time. Scrambling over to their friend, everyone stared at Sunbeam, as though they didn't believe she was real.

I am so confused. Sunbeam read in Glory. Sunbeam knew the consequences of what she did. Almost no one would remember anything of what happened.

But she didn't focus on Glory's mind. She focused on her friends. After the shock sizzled away from everybody's mouth-open expressions, they all squeezed Sunbeam tightly.

"How are you alive?" Tears poured out of Rainbow's eyes as she asked in a muffled voice.

"It was crazy.... But the Creator brought me back. He told me that I wasn't finished here, that I had so much to do. He let me go back."

Everyone pulled away and Lightstreak and Rainbow were shocked but seemed to believe the story. Everyone else on the other hand were straight up confused.


Sunbeam sighed with a smile and explained everything to her friends about how long ago, CloudWings found a large book of the scavengers and they deciphered it. It was so impactful and powerful to them that they started to believe in the Creator.

"Well, however you got back, I'm just glad you are back, Sunbeam." Kinkajou smiled, all of her scales a bright yellow.

"We all are." Agreed Moon. "And you saved everyone, and brought Turtle back somehow. did you do all of this?"

"I'm sooooo wanting to know about this too. I was like 'wait, aren't there supposed to be two continents corrupted an evil and stuff' not 'oh everything is fine and it all went back to normal and actually nothing really happened it was all just a weird dream!'" Said Kinkajou with a laugh.

Sunbeam grinned broadly and sat down. Everyone sat in a circled and stared hard at Sunbeam, eager to hear everything. Although, Lightstreak and Rainbow already knew everything.

"CloudWings were gifted long ago with one strange power since we were the greatest warriors of Palariah and we had the largest tribe. We were gifted with a power to stop all the evil all at once and bring everything back to normal. The power was stored in our horns. It overrides every animus dragon or anything; that's why Tornado's power didn't work on me, because I was going to use my horns. A CloudWing has the ability to use it once die after you use it because it's so powerful."

"So every CloudWing has that power?" Kinkajou widened her eyes.

"Yes. But there's always a catch. In this case, it's death for us. But CloudWings die knowing that the evil is gone. And also, it will only work if the evil you're targeting is in the clouds. But..." Sunbeam paused, "I'm not the only one to have made it back alive. When CloudWings do come back if the Creator wills it, we are...we are forever cursed to never fly again in the clouds. And we are banished from our home; we must cut our claws and dull our horns." Sunbeam's face was solemn. Next to her, however, Rainbow and Lightstreak snickered, giving everything away.

"Really, Sunbeam?" Treeleaf grinned. The smiled ricocheted around the circle.

"Totally kidding." She smiled. "No, the catch really is death but no CloudWings ever use it even scarring battles because we're all too scared to lose our lives. That's what the first queen should've done...then we wouldn't have lost so many dragons of all of our tribes. She was too...frightened to lose her own life. But everything is behind us now." Sunbeam sighed.

Moon and Lightstreak nodded. Those words had to sink in. Everything was behind them. Everything was done.


One Hour Later

"Sunbeam, can you come here for a second?" Asked Lightstreak. 

"Sure." Sunbeam winged away from the group and the two headed for a quiet part of the forest...alone.

"What's up?"

"Well, I just...about when Rainbow and I didn't come with you...."

"Lightstreak, it's ok. I understand. It's behind us." 

"Thanks." Lighstreak gave a crooked smile. Then, there was an awkward moment of silence. About to leave, Lightstreak gazed at Sunbeam then turned to leave back to the group.

"Wait. Um...Lightstreak. I have something to say to you too."

Lightstreak turned around, confusion growing on his face.

"It's just...I know you like Rainbow and I'm glad that you do but I just wanted to tell you that I've liked you for the longest time."

"Sunbeam, I--"

"No, it's ok. I like Treeleaf now. He's kind and gentle. And now I don't have that pressure on me. Lightstreak, I'm ok with liking you as a brother."

"Oh. Ok. Yeah, sure."

"Oh. I mean, I don't want you to feel weird. I'm ok that you like Rainbow and we'll stay friends of course. You're my best friend in fact. You and Rainbow."

"Yes. Thanks but...I was going to say I like you too. All those times I was trying to impress was actually for you."

Sunbeam stared into Lightstreak's eyes.

"O--oh." She stammered out. This was absolutely awkward.

"But, it's ok that you want to be with Treeleaf. If you like him then be with him. I'm totally fine with being your best friend and brother." Lightstreak made a forced smile.

Did she really want to be with Treeleaf? What happened when it would come the time where Sunbeam had to become queen?

Sunbeam gazed deeply into Lightstreak's eyes and pressed her paws into the damp, cool grass.

Three years ago, Sunbeam utterly sick and groggy and exhausted everyday. Lightstreak had come over everyday and taken care of her until she got better.

Seven months ago, Sunbeam laughing with Lightstreak about an inside joke they shared together.

Six months ago, Sunbeam sobbing over a memory of her family leaving her and Lightstreak wrapped his wings around her, comforting Sunbeam.

"Lightsreak I--" Sunbeam paused coming out of her trance, "I'd rather be with you."

All of a sudden, Lighstreaks eyes brightened like the sun.

"I'd rather be with you." Said Sunbeam again. "You are kind and you are gentle to me. You laugh with me and know when not to and you comfort me. You're funny and delightful to be around."

"Sunbeam," Lightstreak smiled as bright as Kinkajou's vibrant colors, "I feel the same way about you and so much more."

He wrapped his wings around her and entwined his tail with Sunbeam's. Closing her eyes, she smiled full of delight. Everything was done and everything was good.

Wings of Fire: Clouded Visionsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن