Chapter Fourteen

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Nightfall soon came but so did Pantala. Sunbeam's stomach roared and gurgled and her tongue felt textured and dry. But she ignored it. Dots of lights shone many wing beats away but Sunbeam was getting closer.

The beach that the waves consumed, widened and so did all of the dragons who lined the edge of the beach.... The missing dragons were here. But it seemed as though they couldn't get there was a force field of some sort. On the continent was every kind of dragon except for the IceWings and the NightWings. 

A few dragons spotted Sunbeam and raised up a tumultuous pool of noise that was muffled by the force field. Thousands of dragons tagged onto that noise, yelling at Sunbeam.

At first, she didn't understand...but when she did it was too late. Sunbeam crossed the forcefield border.

"No! You fool!" A SkyWing roared. "Now you can't get out!"

"Dragonet, you shouldn't have come!" Another chimed in, ruffling her scales worriedly.

Instantly, Sunbeam's mind exploded with so many thoughts as the dragons' voices pounded inside and outside of her head. Feeling light headed, Sunbeam closed her eyes and was knocked out in the sky falling down and down, not realizing how high up she had flown into the border.


Drowsy and confused, Sunbeam moaned and her eyes slowly fluttered open and the blurriness was trying to decrease.

"What kind of dragon is she?" A muffled voice rang in Sunbeam's ear.

"How did she get here? Didn't she get tired?" Another voice in the air asked.

"Is there anyone else who will come for us who can escape and fly all the way across to the other continent?" Yet another voice demanded.

"Move over! NOW!" A familiar voice to Sunbeam shouted. 

"Everyone! You heard him! Move!" Another, yelly, high-pitched voice agreed.

This shot Sunbeam awake. Scrambling up to her talons, Sunbeam whipped around every which way, trying to figure out where the voices were coming from.

"Sunbeam?! Oh my moons! Are you alright?" Kinkajou pushed out of the circling crowd and leaped to Sunbeam wrapping her wings around Sunbeam's.

"Kinkajou! Treeleaf! Oh my moons! I thought I'd never see you guys again!" Cried Sunbeam wrapping her wings around Treeleaf's and Kinkajou's.

"I'm ok. So much has happened though. It'd take hours to explain everything."

"I'm afraid we don't have that time." Treeleaf frowned, pulling away from the hug.

"How's Visionslayer and Moon?" Asked Sunbeam.

"I don't know...he's not here." Treeleaf frowned. 

"Moon isn't here either." Added Kinkajou, her scales rippling a shady blue and her wings drooped. 

"None of the NightWings are." Barged in a random SandWing.

"Yeah! Why's what? Are they too special?!" Another voice growled from the crowd stirring up a wave of annoyed voices.

"Everyone!" Started Sunbeam, flapping into the air, " I know you're probably clueless about many things, one of them being who...what I am." 

"I am a CloudWing, and I live in the clouds, above the SkyWings where no dragon can breathe, besides CloudWings of course. I was sent here down to help all of you because as you are aware, there is a danger that is here, but no one knows what it is. That's why I came down here, to help you." 

Dozens of questions immediately choked Sunbeam when she was finished and had landed next to Treeleaf and Kinkajou. 

"How come we've never heard of CloudWings?" A dragon asked.

"If you're so special and going to save us, why are we still here?" Pushed a LeafWing, lashing his tail fiercely.

"Where are the NightWings and the IceWings?" That first dragon called. Once again, all the voices of the dragons inside and out came pounding at Sunbeam. 

"What is the ev-" started a small SilkWing dragonet with nubs growing out of her back. But suddenly, a dark, gloomy mist came over Pantala. 

It hovered and seeped through all the dragons and everyone sucked it in. Coughing, Sunbeam, Kinkajou and Treeleaf all cast each other nervous glances, knowing that something about this wasn't right. 

And it wasn't. 

Before Sunbeam knew what was happening, everyone around her and...she blacked out. 

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