Chapter Twenty-One

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Sunbeam snapped out of her vision. She glanced around, seeing that CloudWings were fighting and bringing dragons of their own tribe down left and right. Knowing that this fighting needed to stop, Sunbeam had to find the source of all this...Tornado. 

Sunbeam stretched out her massive wings and bolted into the air until she spotted Tornado gleaming in battle. Bolting over to him, Sunbeam slammed on the ground and growled furiously at her father. 

"Looks like you couldn't even take control over your own tribe." Retorted Sunbeam. 

"True. But Sunbeam I don't need you or Fog or anyone. I could just create dragons if I wished."

"How do you have animus magic?" Sunbeam gasped. 

"Queen Hurricane never got rid of it. Us CloudWings were just never born with it and never thought to use it if we did. Or, idiot CloudWings would use their magic to never have it again. But I am not like them. I will use my animus magic all for me and I will--I am the most powerful dragon in the world." 

"What you don't realize is that while you're soaked up in the animus magic that you have, you never even studied or cared for what CloudWings' powers were. That's why you asked for our powers,  because you truly didn't know and didn't care. You were too wrapped up in your animus magic. But, father, you made your mistake. And now it's my move." Sunbeam growled.

She charged at her father and her six horns started to glow. 

"I enchant this ground to stop her and kill her." Barked Tornado. The ground started to rumble and Sunbeam kept advancing. Vines and dirt mounds protruded and burst out of the ground, twisting and raking and smashing everything everywhere. But they didn't attack Sunbeam, they attacked Tornado. Squeezing and wrapping around Tornado, the vines and dirt mounds bolted him up and up into the sky just as Sunbeam took off, following him. 

"STUPID MAGIC! DO YOU HEAR ME? KILL HER NOT ME!" Tornado snarled and thrashed around. 

"Father, it's over." Started Sunbeam, "do you want to know our last power? It's...It's...well, just see for yourself." 

Sunbeam's horns glowed and radiated brighter. 

"Sunbeam!" A voice shouted from below. "Don't! I can do it!" Lightreak called. 

"No. I'm sorry, Lightstreak." Sunbeam sniffed, a tear escaping her eye. 

"No! Sunbeam don't!" LIghtreak cried, fighting off attacking dragons who were blocking him from flying. 

With that, Sunbeam turned to her father, clutched his neck and growled. Beaming, Sunbeam's horns rang and a massive light blinded everyone many wingbeats away, illuminating the sky.

It was done. The evil was gone. 


Everything around Sunbeam disappeared. Dragons gone. Broken lands restored. In her talons, Tornado breathed his last, fear displayed all over his face and body until he breathed no more. Sunbeam stabbed her talons through his chest just in case he was faking...but he wasn't.

Tornado was dead.

Sunbeam released her talons from him and Tornado dropped to the ground until, thud.

Staring down, Sunbeam gazed at her dead father next to her dead mother. Turning her head, Sunbeam saw Lightstreak's and Rainbow's horrified and confused faces. They were the only two dragons on the continent, along with Fog and Tornado. Everybody else was gone.

And that's when it happened. Sunbeam tucked in her wings and fell down and down.

"Sunbeam!!" Lightstreak and Rainbow shrieked in unison.

Lightstreak beat his wings and flapped to Sunbeam, catching her in the air and slowly bringing her down to the ground until she lay in Lightstreak's paws on the soft grass of Pantala.

"Sunbeam, you should've let me do it." Lightstreak cried weakly. Rainbow slid over to Sunbeam's side and cupped Sunbeam's head in her paws.

"I'm...I'm sorry for everything. That wasn't how I wanted it to end. But...what's done is done. What I've done needed to be matter the cost. I was chosen for a reason and I fulfilled it." Whispered Sunbeam weakly.

"No, no, no." Whimpered Lightreak, tears blinding his sight. "It's not your fault, Sunbeam. Stay with us, we'll try again. The continents are safe forever and I can't stay here knowing that you won't be there."

"Don't leave us Sunbeam." Rainbow cried.

"It''s ok. I traded my life for countless others...including Turtle. He's alive and safe and so are all the other dragons who suffered. IceWings are back and everything is restored. Tell my friends goodbye....I'll tell you..." Sunbeam choked, "goodbye."

Sunbeam lifted her eyes to the shining sun and breathed her last breath. 

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