ch.5 fair day or date~

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the day had come. dipper had gotten up at 7 in the morning to get ready for his day with "nick". dipper was still unsure if this was a date or not. that seemed to be a theme about "nick" dipper was never sure about anything. dipper liked nick nonetheless. last night after saying goodnight nick said he would pick dipper up at 10. dipper didn't know a thing about fashion and mabel was never a fashionista. the both of them spent hours debating, going back and forth between outfits. after hours of deciding dipper choose a outfit,it was his normal hat with a blue flannel and shorts that ended about 5 inches above his knees.

"hehe letting him touch and see more i see" mabel said giggling. dipper looked away a little embarrassed. these past week dipper and nick bonded a lot more. he had learned a lot, but nick seemed to dodge some questions by kissing dipper. he worried that their relationship, if what they had was one, was more physical than anything. mabel planed to get ready and go to the fair with her friends later in the day. the twins were doing their signature move. dipper paced back and forth while mabel sat on her bed watching him list all the things that could go wrong.

"what if i say or do something wrong? or i say it's a date but its not? or if it is and i say it's not? or i act stupid and he stops liking me? what if-" mabel cut him off but standing up and grabbing his shoulders.

"ok, look dipper, nick seems to really like you and you like him. if anything happens you'll be fine. you've faced wayyyy more crazy and dangerous stuff then a day with a hot guy. and if he does hurt you i'll be here with my new and improved MABEL SOUP!" dipper was glad to have such a great twin sister, and mabel had a good point. the twins were startled when they heard a knock on the door. mabel looked at the time, 10, mabel ran to the door and opened it to see nick. standing there.

"wow hot, a gentleman, and on time dipper you've caught on heck of a guy!" mabel said making dipper smiling. he knew he did that's why he didn't want to lose him. dipper didn't know why but dipper had felt like he's knew nick for most of his life even tho they only met like a week ago. dipper walked up and instantly dropped his jaw. nick was dressed so...HOT! nick was dressed in a sleeveless yellow tail coat, a black bow tied around his neck, and a white shirt under the jacket with black pants. in his hand was dippers favorite flowers. dipper felt bad knowing he hadn't dressed nearly as well.

"wow he can even dress himself!" mabel screamed.

"thanks?" nick said confused.

"wow" was all nick was able to say looking dipper up and down.' nick' smiled thinking to himself all the things he could do to dipper. dipper wasn't sure if he liked or hated his outfit.

"i-i can ch-change" dipper said studdring, worried 'nick' hated the outfit.

"N-no pinetree you just look mind went places." nick said feeling shy. damn he hated these feeling. he hated how human they are.He hated that his pinetree made him feel this way. In a way you could so he hated that he loved him.

"ok well have fun you two and treat each other right!" mabel said pushing dipper out the door and shutting it behind them.

"here these are for you pinetree...sorry if i'm cheesy this is the first time i've felt like this for anyone." dipper smiled at nick, he felt the same way he loved the way nick treated him too. and if dipper was being honest he loved the way nick treated him when they were alone. Nick was always gente yet so rough with dipper. He loved it. Nick always knew what to do and how to do it, it was like he could read his mind. Dipper looked 'nick' up and down, he really knew how to dress, his eye's resting on his lips. As if reading his mind nick pined dipper against the wall. he started nibbling his ear then moving down to his neck, drawing blood.

"mhh~you know i'd almost believe your a vampire with the way you draw my blood." 'nick' faced dipper there nose's touching.

" i must admit...i find pleasure in others pain, but with you...i can't bring myself to do anymore then biting" dipper smiled knowing 'nick' cared for him.. dipper bit 'nick's neck trying to get even. he instantly tasted a bitter taste. nick backed up and covered his black blood so that dipper couldn't see it.

"l-let's head to the fair."nick said uneasily.

-time skip/time summary-

they had blast. dipper and 'nick' played a bunch of fair games and rode a few rides. after awhile nick gave dipper his tail coat because he got jealous that others were looking at him. dipper had noticed that nick was aggressive towards other people, he had been very protective of what was his. but nick was charming and playful other wise. and he LOVED the games, he always seemed to know what to do to win. he even won dipper a cute yellow bear. when mabel came with her friends they rode the rest of the rides and had an even better time. after awhile people noticed how nick and dipper were acting. he decided to tell them he was gay. everyone was supportive as most had speculation when he was young about him being gay. it was getting dark. the group had found a spot and sat looking at the stars laughing and joking around.

"so dip when did you find out you were gay? alot of us thought you were head over heels for wendy"mabel's friend candy asked dipper. he was snuggled up in nicks tail coat, now holding the yellow bear, sitting in nicks lap letting him rest his head rest his head on dippers. nick had his arms around dipper protective. nick tightened his arms around dipper and growled at the mention of dipper's "crush".

"well...i'd say maybe 3 or 4 years ago. i noticed i felt different about males than females. i was raised to like girls so i got my feeling mixed up for wendy. Wendy was more manly than most girls so I felt more attraction towards her than other girls. I was trying desperately to like girls instead of guys so i guess i made it an obsession. after awhile i put 2 and 2 together and relized that i wasn't into girls but guys."

"wait so you waited like HALF a YEAR before telling me?!" mabel said a little hurt. dipper felt bad.

"i-i just wanted to be sure before i told you, i'm sorry mabel i really am"

"t-that makes since." mabel was a little hurt but she couldn't be made at her brother.

"so did you enjoy today pinetree?" 'nick' said trying to help him out of this hole he dug before it got too deep.

"yea i did thank you." dipper said looking up at him.

" well i have one more thing left." nick said getting up and helping dipper up too.

"if you guys don't mind i would like to talk to dipper alone for a few."

"that's fine remember we rather not hear you two moaning." mabel said laughing along with everyone else. dipper turned away embarrassed. nick chuckled.

"trust me i'm the only one allowed to hear him moan." nick said putting his hands on dippers hips making dipper turn red. and with that nick grabbed dippers hand and lead them into the woods.

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