ch. 13

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 (dippers dream/pov)

i opened my eyes to see a familiar darkness.

"p-purple d-dude?"i stuttered. forgetting his name.

"tad strange here to possess!" he says after popping out of nowhere. making me scream and fall backwards.

"po-possess?" i asked confused and concerned.

"well not YET butttt... if you don't bring me bill i will and get him myself." he said the last part strictly and seriously scaring me. i tried not to look or sound intimidated but that didn't work well.

"w-why do y-you want bill?"

"i told you pinetree~ him and i have some catching up to do." he said using bill's nickname for me.

" i told you not to call me that." i told him, getting annoyed.

"oh you did didn't you? silly me it seems i forgot i apologize pinetree~" he said smirking once again using bill's name for me.

"fine whatever just let me go." i just wanted to get back to everyone and didn't want to spend anymore time with this dude.

"oki doki see you soon pinetree~" and like that i was waking up back in the real world next to bill on the couch.

3rd person pov.

dipper smiled at bill and snuggled into his chest listing to his human form's heart. it brought him peace compared to his past form or even his brother 'tad' he decided to just lay there not wanting to see tad again. dipper laid there lost in thought.

"hey pinetree whatcha thinking about?" bill asked grabbing dipper's attention.

"huh oh nothing. wait can't you read minds?"

"well yes but i try not to read your mind unless you give me permission or i feel like i need to, i've learned that thoughts hurt A LOT more than word's or even actions"

"oh thanks bill." dipper said glad to know that bill respected him enough to not read his mind.

"soooo what do you want to do today?" bill asked. dipper thought for a moment.


"huh?" dipper asked confused


"did you say something?"

"no. are you okay?"

"yea never mind" dipper said wondering what the voice was.

"sooo~ what are we doing today?" bill asked again getting bored.

"hmm i don't know, what do you want to do?"

"i could try to teach you some spells." bill said shocking dipper.

"wait spells? i can do those!?"

"well yea all humans are capable with practice especially the ones who live in gravity falls, because of they're around so much energy they absorb it themselves." bill explained fascinating dipper. he ran upstairs grabbing his jornal and a pin running back down to bill.

"keep going i wanna know more about this!" dipper said excitingly a sparkle in his eyes as he looked up at bill. bill chickeled finding it adorable that dipper was so fascinated by this. they spent the next few hours discussing magic and spells along with the effects the suprnatral can have on humans the longer they're around them. dipper was writing in his journal when he collapsed once again.

"pinetree?! PINETREE WAKE UP!?" stan and ford ran into the room concerned when they heard the nickname as well as the screaming. ford was the only one who took note of the nicknamed used, stan more worried for dipper.

"DIPPER! WHAT HAPPENED NICK?" he asked as he ran over to them.


{dipper's pov}

"tik tok your clock is up." i heard a familiar voice say. tad.

"what do you mean?" i asked

"well you see inpatient and it seems you've failed to hold up your end of our deal so...i'm holding mine up."

"w-which means ?"

"well that i can possess your body of course!"


''i'm afraid that's not up for debate my dear pinetree~" again him saying bill's pet name for me felt weird, bill and maybe mabel were definitely the only people it sounded right coming from.

"1 stop calling me that and 2 what if we made a new deal?"

"hmmm no, i .like this deal besides how do i know your not going to break that one too?" he had a point.

"exactly pinetree so enjoy the show!" then he vanished. i saw two windows appear they were blurry a little bit around the edges, they showed my room and bill. he looked bad. his hair was a mess and he was slouched over. he was holding my hand. i smiled seeing how much he cared for me. then my hand was yanked and i heard a "uhg" similar to mine.

"bill wake up." i tried to say but it seemed to just ecoh in the void i was in. then i heard tad's voice

"he can't hear you no one can." i watched as bill started to wake due to the absence of my hand. when he rubbed the sleep from his eyes he lit up.

"PINETREE! OH THANK SATAN YOUR AWAKE!" he screamed. he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close...i just couldn't feel it. it hurt, i knew he was hugging me but i didn't feel it. i was detached from my body but...trapped inside? i was thrown out of thichain of painful thoughts when i heard mabel's voice.

"DIPPER!" she jumped onto my bed pushing bill aside and hugging me as well pushing me to hurt more as i couldn't feel her hug eather. i started to cry watching my tears drip into nothingness. i know i'm probably weak for this but the thought and emptiness of not being able to feel my boyfriends or even my own twin sister's hug stabbed me. i looked back up to see stan and ford now in my room as well.

"gave us all quite the scare my boy" i heard ford say.

"heh really?sorry guess i just needed sleep." i say. it sounded like my voice but i didn't move my mouth. it had been so long i guess i forgot how terrifying being possessed was like. i didn't like it. it feels unnatural, vile. like i've been violated or something.

it felt...wrong

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