ch. 6 nick or bill

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Shout out to Kikibloom3905 for this chapter's idea. i really liked it so thank you for this idea, it also worked really well so thank you.

nick stopped when he thought he was a good distance away from the group. he was nervous of what he was about to ask... or more of what the answer was.

"so uh i was just wondering...and i'm probably stupid for asking but uh i was just wondering...what are we exactly cuz i'll be truthful, which i don't do often, i really want us to be boyfriends but if your not comfortable with that that's fine too." dipper just stared up into nicks eyes. he was so glad he wasn't the only one. dipper truly did believe today was the best day ever. he was trying to think of a way to answer him.. all he could think was to grab nicks face and kiss him. nick was shocked at first but soon melted into the kiss placing his hands at dipper's side. dipper broke the kiss

"i would love to be your boyfr-" dipper was cut off by a flash of red fire and then a girl in a pink dress that was kinda ripped at the edges and was showing off her shoulders, she had long bright pink hair, and was filing her nails was there.

"yo bill did you finish that date thingy with that annoying dipper flash bag?" she looked up to see nick holding dipper and an angry look on his face. dipper looked at her shocked and terrified. he looked at who he thought was nick and saw an angry look on his face. his eye a dark angry red. dipper backed away horrified at what he's seeing, thinking. nick looked at dipper with fear and panic in his eyes. he didn't want him to find out this way.

"pinetree listen it's not what you think" he goes to grab dippers hand but he yanks it away.

"that's why you call me pinetree and mabel shooting star you...your...bill...oh god i fell for a demon and to make it worse BILL CIPHER!" dipper screamed. it hurt "nick" or bill to hear dipper say it like that. he knew what he was but hearing the pain and betrayal in his pinetrees voice hurt him.

"i-i swear dipper i really love you, i always have, i know i didn't show it but now...i know how to show you. please trust me i love you dipper pines." dipper shook his head...he knew bill was a mind demon a master of the mind he knew just what to say, but at the same time he loved hearing those words coming from nick..or uh bill. dipper was conflicted on what to think he loved nick but bill was nick.

"i'm still who you've been hanging out with for the past week and i've been as honest as i could be with you. does my name really change who i am?"

"i-i don't know get out of my head bill!" dipper said so conflicted.

{dipper's pov}

i didn't know what to think the guy i had fallen for, who i thought was amazing was BILL!

"i'm still who you've been hanging out with for the past weekend and i've been as honest as i could be with you. does my name really change who i am?" bill says he looks a little sad. he used my name too he never used my name...never.

"i-i don't know get out of my head bill! i say so conflicted. he had tried to kill me one summer. he tried to hurt everyone i loved. then i remember what he said earlier about hurting people. he really did love me? no i couldn't give into his mind games. this was probably all a big game or bet.

"no bill you used me! for what i have nothing to give you! was it the journals huh!? did you know i still had them!?" i scream. then i remember all the times bill had touched body,

", you wouldn't" i didn't dare say it, it was to horrible even for bill...i was afraid he used me for my body.

"i...i'm sorry dipper, i would never use you for your body." tears are streaming down his face. bill was...crying?

"STOP! I DON'T WANT TO BE YOUR LITTLE GAME! I AM NOT A GAME FOR YOU TO PLAY WITH!" i scream. i didn't know what to say or do. i knew my whole life to never let my heart decide my actions but right now i couldn't help it. it was broken but somehow clinging to be whole. i was full out bowling now i couldn't help it.

"i-i'll leave you be if that what you want...but i will always love you, mason" my eyes went wide. i looked up, bill disappeared by just a snap. h..he had said my REAL real name, he used my first name, only my parents and mabel know my real name. i..i was confused on what just happen but even more i'm more confused on why i wanted to say "i love you too"

{bill's pov.}

i hated to do it but i needed to know what dipper was thinking about me i read his mind...

"i didn't know what to think the guy i had fallen for, who i thought was amazing was BILL" i heard he think it hurt to hear him think that.

"i'm still who you've been hanging out with for the past weekend and i've been as honest as i could be with you. does my name really change who i am?" i say trying to hold back tears, damn these human feeling. i've hated then so much.

"i-i don't know get out of my head bill!" he screams at me. i felt so hurt he loved nick...not me, we we're the same. i had changed...changed for him. i loved him

"no bill you used me! for what i have nothing to give you! was it the journals huh!? did you know i still had them!?" i was hurt more, he had thought i was so evil to use him for the journals, even when i wanted them i never used him, never treated him like i had. i had real feeling for him. i was crying now i couldn't help it. i hated this feeling i hated everything but dipper.

", you wouldn't" i hear him say. i look up at him and see tears stream down his face as well. i had to know what he was hurt me when i read his mind.

"i didn't dare say it it was to horrible even for bill...i was afraid he used me for my body." i hear him think. this broke me. i have done many things many evil and vile things and most i still wasn't sorry for but this...that was low even for me.

"STOP! I DON'T WANT TO BE YOUR LITTLE GAME! I AM NOT A GAME FOR YOU TO PLAY WITH!" he screams tears flooding out of his eyes.

i couldn't stay here any longer. i'm a demon i should have expected this to happen. that i would never be good enough for pinetree. i say one thing before i leave.

"i-i'll leave you be if that what you want...but i will always love you, mason" i say this then snap. i knew dipper would hate me more for saying that but i needed to say it, to get it off my chest, to let him know what i felt. weather he believed me or not i didn't care anymore. i spawn back on my bed. i lay there looking up at the ceiling i hear screams of those torchered down below but even those don't help. i wanted to give up. it was then i realized dipper truly was my weakness.

hiya again i've been conflicted recently. i have they story planed for dipper to transform but i also have it planned for him to not so it's up to you guys. do you want dipper to be transformed into a demon or no? let me know in the comments below.

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