ch.7 i love you~ (lemon)

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it had been a month since the fair. dipper didn't tell anyone but mabel what happen. she had been just as confused as dipper. she felt that nick was awesome and that maybe bill changed? but she was smarter now and couldn't cross out the idea that he was using dipper for something. school had started. dipper and mabel saw bill around the school but anytime they even looked in his direction he would disappear running off in a different direction. he didn't look so good either, he had dark almost black eye bags under his eyes and his skin was pale, he seemed to stop wearing yellow too. he seemed to wear only black. he barely talked even to his friends they all were with him almost all the time only in human form tho. dipper felt bad he never thought that the demon would look so bad. he may had been a demon but dipper thought about everything that happened between him and bill. the more he thought about it the more it made since. all of what bill said seemed true. he was a demon he understood no one showed him what love was.

dipper's pov.

i hated to admit it but i missed bill. i missed bill's touch. after thinking about it, it made since. that day he had said how he found pleasure in others pain. but he said he couldn't hurt me anymore then biting me. but before he had caused me so much pain and laughed at it, he really did find pleasure in others pain especially mine. i talked to mabel about it and we decided the journals and my body was the only thing bill could've used me for.i saw bill everyday at school and he looked so bad, like horrible, he only wore a black hoodie and some jeans, nothing like the outfits he had worn before that looked so cafefully thought out and stylish. i couldn't take it anymore i decided that i would talk to bill tomorrow. i would give him a chance but i let mabel hide the journals and not tell me where so he couldn't use me to find the journals. i couldn't believe i was thinking it but...i missed bill, i missed being able to hug him and feel warmth from another in bed. i was snugging with his tail coat i had been wearing the night everything happened. it still smelled like him. i had the cute little bear he won me on my desk, i loved it but the coat had his sent he had worn it. i slept holding the tail coat close to me.

bill's pov.

i now knew why the higher ups had put me in this human body...not only did it limit my powers but it hurt. i couldn't eat or sleep without my pinetree. i missed his touch too. i felt so torn and i was forced to go to school with the other demons to serve our punishment but really it was just for me, i had to see my pinetree everyday. i couldn't bring myself to talk to him. he had thought so little of me...tho for a demon what pinetree thought was a compliment. i avoided him when ever i could and refused to read his mind or shooting star since i knew he would have told her. it hurt knowing i would have to live forever without my pinetree. with just those few days we spent together. dipper looked bad to. he had dark eye bags and seemed to only wear his blue hoodie. tho i guess i didn't look any better.

-the next day-

dipper had woken up early he was getting ready for the day, he wanted to look decent today for his bill. he decided to wear bills tail coat and some shorts. he had leggins under the shorts and a white shirt under the coat. dipper walked into school fairly early and started to look for bill he saw him in the gym and started to walk towards him. as expected he noticed and ran away. dipper walked up to bill's friends.

"hey i have a favo-"

"look dude you've broken bill and it'll take maybe a few centuries to fix him so can you please make it easier for everyone and just leave him alone, he doesn't deserve to be told you hate him!" the chick from the same night screamed at dipper. this made sipper mad.

" well ACTUALLY I WANTED TO ASK YOU GUYS TO HELP ME GET ALONE WITH HIM SO I CAN ANSWER HIS QUESTION HE ASKED ME SAYING YES! I THINK HE'S CHANGED AND I LOVE HIM!OK?! I LOVE cipher." dipper screamed grabbing everyone's attention. he couldn't handel everyone thinking he hated bill or nick as everyone knew him, dipper really cared for bill he knew that.bill had heard everything dipper said. the girl with pick hair snapped her fingers and both bill and dipper were alone in a closet. bill freaks and reached for the door. dipper stopped his hand with his. dipper grabbed both of bills fingers and intertwined their fingers making it impossible for bill to snap. dipper looked bill right in the eyes

"b-bill i...i don't know how or understand why but..i love you, i would love to be your boyfriend "dipper said tears in his eyes. bill smiled.

"pinetree... please you don't need to lie."bill looked away when he said this.

"bill.look at me" dipper turned billes face to look at him.

"look me in the eyes read my mind i don't care, this could be another one of your games, but i...i don't care anymore i think you've changed." bill was hisitent but read dippers mind, he serched his mind learning how much dipper had missed him, how confliced dipper was because he was scared he had fallen for another one of bills games, bill could tell dipper truly did care for him, dipper had accepted the past and was tring to forgive bill for the past. he pinned the small boy against the wall, kissing him. bill bit the small males ear. bill hated how much he missed this.dipper was hisitent at first but in the end gave into his lust for bill, dipper slid his hands up under bills hoodie. bill picked dipper up backing up to lock the door to the closet. bill put dipper down to remove his shirt. then bill removed his coat off of dipper then the his shirt. he rubbed his thumbs in circles on dippers tights though his thighs, nibbling and bitting dippers jaw, then worked his way down. dipper covered his mouth tring his best to not make a soundworried someone might hear nearby. bill noticd this.

"let me hear your sweet sounds" bill whispered into dipper's ear, dipper kept his hand firm over his mouth, bill took it upon himself to remove his hand from his mouth. almost instintly dipper moaned

"B-Bill~" dipper panited, bill smiled and contuied what he was doing before. the two missed the school day as they show eachother their bodies for the secend time.

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