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ok so with recent events happening and me having writer's block i have decided to write this side story. it's just filler and fluff and all but i will hopefully have a chapter out soon but i wanted to get something out for everyone. i also want to thank everyone for getting this to number 74 in billdip. so thanks for that. and lastly feel free to comment if you have a idea for the story or want to know something or whatever, i would love to hear you guys and talk with you. and i hope you enjoy this.

dipper pov

i was cuddling with bill scrolling though tik tok. the whole u.s went into quinetine. leaving bill, me, mable, stan, and ford all stuck inside. no one in gravity falls took this seriously. i had done some research and while it's a deadly sickness we're all safe. we never travel and no one has visited here since the whole panic. bill thought it was all funny. i couldn't blame him. all the memes on tik tok, reddit, and everywhere else were pretty funny. mabel was downstairs probably also scrolling though tik tok. after awhile i got bored of tik tok. i turned my phone off and put it away. i looked up to bill.

     "bill~ i'm bored." i teased. he smirked at me.

     " and what does my pinetree~ want to do?~" he responded snacking his arms around my waist and leaning into my neck. i giggled instantly regretting it.

     "welllllll...maybe you could teach me a few uhhh...i don't know spells?" i asked kissing his cheek. he stared at me for a little bit before smiling.

      "oh? so my little pinetree wants to learn spells now?" he asked. i nodded maybe a little to eagerly since it earned me a laugh from him. he got up a spark in his eyes.

     "well let's get to it, we have all the time in the world since you meatsacks are so fragile and dramatic." he said the last part with his arm over his forehead and draped himself like in the movies. i just laughed at him. he was definitely still crazy but he's funny too. i smiled as he helped me up. 

     "ok i say we start with a simple levitation trick. hold your hand out twords that book and say...pff...leviosA." he said giggling. i looked at him confused. i was more surprised that he knew harry potter than him trying to trick me with such a cheesy and classic line. i smiled. if he wanted to play then two can play. i held my hand out to the book, i doubted that anything was going to happen but oh well.

    " leveOsa" i said as i twerked my hand around like a wand. bill looked at me and smiled. i couldn't tell if he knew what i was doing of not so i kept the act up.

     "huh? why didn't anything happen?" i asked. 

     "hmm how about you try it again."

      "ok...leveOsA" i said this time the book was covered in blue flames. they didn't burn the book just surrounded it. i smiled thinking i did something at first. then bill started to laugh and the book dropped. i looked back at bill confused.

     "ah i'm sorry pinetree i just wanted to see if you would fall for that." he laughed. i rolled my eyes.

     "so are you really going to teach me or no?" i asked.

     "ok ok i will pinetree sorry." he said genuinely. he turned me around to face the book that he dropped. he wrapped his arms around me and rested his head on my shoulder. 

     "this could take a lot on your energy your first few times. ok?"

      "ok let's begin." i agreed.

     "ok so focus on that book. nothing matters besides that book. no image it being lifted from where it is. imagine it just floating. use your hand if you need too." he said calmly. i nodded relaxed by his tone. i did as he said but the book didn't do anything. i tried again it wobbled but i just copped it up to the wind. i tried once more. this time it barely but ever so slightly lifted off the floor. i took  note as bill tightened his grip on me. i brought my attention back to the book. i used my hand imagining the book following it. it wasn't smooth in the slightest but it followed my movements. about halfway to my nightstand i felt really tired all the sudden and slumped back into bill, i'm almost positive that i would've fallen if not for bill. 

     "whoa easy pinetree." he said helping me over to my bed. 

     "relax i'm fine." i smiled to show it but he didn't seem to believe me. i leaned on him as i rested. he wasn't lying when he said this was going to take a lot out of me. after awhile i got up again. it took me a second but i found my balance with the help of bill. i smiled up at him to thank him. we spent the rest of week learning small simple spells. whenever i would come close to fainting he would reassure me and transfer some of his energy to me, of which i was thankful for.soon mabel come up and we played a few games before dinner and sleep. by the end of the week i knew how to move objects with easy. tho it took a lot of energy if i did it to long or moved something heavy. the most i lifted was the table tho that was an accident. i took immense pride and bill told me he would teach me more when i mastered this spell.

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