ch. 12 DEAL!?

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-dipper's dream/pov.-

"H-HELLO?" i screamed. it was pitch black. i could have sworn i opened my eye's but it's so dark i have no idea.

"mason 'dipper' pines." i hear a deep anonymous voice announce, feeling fear throughout my entire body.

"y-yes t-that's me" i say weakly. dang i should be more brave dangit, never show fear to your enemy. if this was a enemy? i'm not 100% sure but i normally believe people who have deep anonymous voices who talk to me in total darkness enemies.

"hahahaha, oh sorry i've never been one for seriousness" the voice laughed, this only strict more fear into me. a deep anonymous voice laughing was never a good sign, speaking from experience anyways.

a guy in a purple suit, purple hair, and bright purple guys appeared in front of me. he kinda reminded me of the purple guy from 5 nights at freddy's.

"names tad kid. nice to meet the fleshbag my brother's fucking" he said as he held out his hand. i could feel the heat of my cheeks from his comment, he reminded me of bill with the way he was acting now. i just stood there. than i realized he said brother.

"b-brother?" i asked

"oh yea you know tall, blond,annoying, greddy, childish, banded to your dimension as a flashbag for awhile, goes by bill cipher" he responded rolling his eyes. i was one for believing a lot of things but bill having a brother? that had me confused.

"bill never said he had a brother." i say regaining myself. i need to be careful, who ever this is they could still be dangerous. i have to keep my guard up.

"yea well you know how it is, and don't worry i'm not going to hurt you...maybe" he spins his cane while he says this only making me more cautious.

"look i'll be honest, me and my brother aren't on the best of teams sooo i want you to lure him out into the woods for me so we" he said the last part through gritted teeth making it a bit hard to understand.

"and what do you want to 'chat' about with him" i tried to grind my teeth like he did when i said chat. i wasn't liking this dude one bit.

"hahaha that's none of your concern hmm what are you again... oh yes pinetree~" he said the last part sing songy witch sent shivers down my spine. i didn't know what it was about him saying bill's nick name for me but wasn't right. maybe it only sounds right when bill says it?

"don't call me that please" i ask

"hahaha i quite like the pet name pinetree~" i wasn't a fan of this guy already and we've only been talking for 5 minutes.

"oh that's where your wrong it's been oh 10 hours in your dimension." that's when i realized his been responding to all my thoughts. he must be able to read minds like bill. makes sense. wait did he say 10 hours!

"WAIT 10 HOURS?!" i exclaim. he nods his head

"gosh for the most powerful, smartest, and wisest sign you sure are slow. i would hate to talk to the others." he said

"I NEED TO GET BACK!" i've been asleep for probably the hole day! ford wanted to talk to me, and i wanted to help clean up.

"ok so i'll see you with bill by the dead tree soon?" he asks holding up his fingers. probably about to snap.

"WHAT? maybe i'll talk to bill.JUST LET ME GO"i repeat myself.

"tsk tsk tsk, i should restate myself. i'll let you wake when you agree to take bill to the forest to meet me."

"Ok fine whatever i just want to get back."

"ok great and if you don't do it with in a day, i'll possess your body!"

"wait WHA-" than he snaps and i wake.

i gasp for air drawing everyone's attention. mabel, ford, stan, and bill looked over at me. mabel and bill were in a corner looking like they had just been fighting, stan and ford were sitting next to me looking at me with full concern.

"DIPPER!" mabel screamed first and throw herself at me, wrapping her arms around me crying.

"mabel? what's wrong?" i asked concern.

"y-you we-ren't w-waking u-up a-and, f-ford told u-us th-that magic like bill's was being picked up by his scanners last night and all today." she explained as she calmed down.

"that's why i wanted to talk my boy, i think bill may be back. with the readings, our history with that demon, and your current situation i assume he is still up to his games as well." ford chimed in. i looked over at him, down to mabel, than to bill. i mean yea bill's back but i'm pretty sure that someone else was at work with what happened to me.

"o-oh." i wasn't sure what to say. i was surprised mabel hadn't said anything to ford about nick yet to be honest.

"are you ok? do you need anything?" bill asked. i guess he could tell i had nothing to say and i figures he wouldn't want to talk about himself...tho that's a first. i saw he scold me as i giggled to myself. i guess he could still read my mind.

"no i think i'm good." i say as i smile at him.

"ok let me know if you do." he went to sit down in the corner, he seemed to be observing me.

"are you feeling ok dip-n-dot? what happened to you? you were barely breathing when you we're sleeping!" mabel screamed and started asking all these questions i didn't really know how to answer. how was a supposed to tell my grunkels who hunt the supernatural, my demon boyfriend's brother who is also a demon, i think , kidnaped me and than forced me into having to do some stupid favor? and as weird as it sounds i was still tired too.

"he what?" i heard bill say but than quickly coughed hoping no one heard him. fore unfortunately did. he narrowed his eyes at him studying him, but than looked back to me.

"how are you feeling my boy?" he asked

"i'm feeling good, i guess i was just tired." i smile to try and reassure him. it worked for mabel and ford but not bill of ford. i swear if the two ever got over their fude, and the whole killing each other, thing than they would be good friends.

"ok well you up for watching some t.v?" mabel asked. i nodded making her jump and and down in joy. she ran up and got a CD than ran back down. we ordered pizza and watch some romcom of a demon, named tom, who was heartbroken over some alien princess, named star, but in the end get over her and falls for her human friend from earth, named marco. i found some similarities in the show to me and bill but not alot. after awhile ford and stan went to bed. me, mabel and bill continued to watch the show for awhile longer. i felt myself lean on bill's shoulder than drift off into a deep sleep.

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