ch.22 Bill's power?

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Dipper woke with a start to the sound of a loud 'pop'. He looked around and saw pyronica and will.
"Aww would you look at that, cuddled up to your 'sweet loving' boyfriend" Pyronica said using quotes as she spoke.
"Quit teasing him pran hes just worried about him." Will said slapping her arm. He was shorter then her by about a foot, his head only coming up to about her chest. He walked over to bill and dipper, examining his brothers unconscious body.
"He's really beat up, I had hoped he'd wake up without our help. Well nice to meet you sapling or do you prefer pinetree?" One again anyone but bill calling dipper pinetree was unsettling no matter who.
" er I'd prefer dipper or dip if you want." Will's eyes went wide. He'd known this is a different dipper then he was used to but the thought of saying his name was more then he'd expected.
" right d-dipper it is. Now shall we get to helping my brother?" Will asked looking between dipper and pyronica.
"Uh we? I'm a human how could I help? Don't get me wrong I'd love too-"
"That's what we thought too sapling but guess we were wrong." Pyronica said puzzling dipper further. How could they be wrong? He really was just a human.
"Allow me to explain sap-d-dipper, we all had assumed you were just a human and you are but you've chosen to not only be involved with but also sleep with a dream demon, in another universe you have enslaved a different version of bill and gained his power. It seems you are in a way, sharing his power. When he was fighting tad and got impaled you stepped up to fight him instead. Let me ask you, when you took hold of his sword did you...feel anything?" This new information surprised dipper, he had always wondered about other worlds and alternative dimensions but hasn't had much solid evidence. Tho he had to throw that aside for now and focus on the task at hand, him and bill.
"Uhhh yea actually, there was this intense burning sensation, so hot I couldn't even screamed but fast as it come it left and in its place was a feeling of....power?" Dipper explained remembering what had happened when he picked up Bill's sword.
"That's what I thought. That was Bill's power...well a fraction atlest. See his sword is made for him and him only. It's meant to channel his power aswell to enhance it. Anyone else who even tries to touch it will burn, we all have a sword designed like that. But when you picked it up it seemed to obey and accept you. It's no mystery that you are ordinary. I believe you are a human with a special ability. That ability paired with your bond with bill makes you able to use his magic. As you may now matter cannot be created or not destroyed, as they teach you in your human school, it correct. Bill's powers had to go somewhere when he made that deal with ford. I believe it went to you." Will conclude dumping alot of information onto dipper. Pyronica could tell that dipper was, to say the least, mind blown.
"I.....Bill's.....we? i" dipper mumbled trying to process everything. After about 5 minutes of silence dipper finally spoke in non. Broken English.
"SO I HAVE BILLS POWERS!?"he exclaimed.
"Yes tho trying to use to much of it will make it consume you and become nothing more then a 'box' to hold Bill's power." Will added.
"AND we could use Bill's powers to oh i don't know HEAL HIM!" Pyronica said broking the to from their convention.
"R-right so what do I d-do?" Dipper asked edgar to talk too and cuddle with a conscious bill.

They all had drawn Bill's summoning circle on the floor. Of course they didn't have the real signs with them tho they weren't necessarily required for this. Dipper was in his spot as the pinetree. Will was in Stanley's spot on the glasses( is that right? Ford and stan confuse me sometimes so I hope I'm right.) And pyronica on Pacifica's spot, on the llama. And bill placed in the center.
"Alrighty sapling all you have to do is think of bill. Think of your desire to help him, to heal him. It might help to put your hands out. Imagine energy flowing out of you into bill healing him, physically, and mentally." Will explained, dipper nodded showing he understood what to do. Dipper closed his eyes and focused on bill. It was dead quite in the room, it was so quiet you could probably hear a feather fly down. Dipper held his hands out towards bill. He remembered all the fun times they had together. Their first date at the fair. The time in the janitor closet at school. Them walking though the forest together just talking. He channeled all of these and his desire to feel Bill's warmth again into energy. He felt his palms heat up. He slowly opened his eyes to see a long dark blue string, with yellow specks, seeming to be made out of silk flowing from his hands to bill. Engulfing him along with pyronica and will's magic. Wills magic was a light blue, lighter then the sky or ocean. And pyronica's was a bright hot pink. The color similar to that of a flamingo. Dipper watched with amazement as he did this. His arms glowed with yellow marks, all seeming to represent bill. Some were just bricks others were triangles, othe4s just eyes. On both of his hands on the back were Bill's summing circle. He saw will and pyronica seem so calm and almost bored while doing this. He started at bill his body engulfing in a deep pastel purple silk like light. After Dipper felt his arms weaken and his vision darken. He felt the warmth slowly leave his palms as he closed his eyes. The last thing he felt was his face hitting the solid floor, and hearing the load thud as he fell.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2020 ⏰

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