ch. 16 truth and plan

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"so first i want to know how you knew who 'nick' was mable. next dipper did you know who he really was? and if so why did you trust him? did you make a deal with him? and how the HELL IS THAT DREAM DEMON BACK?" ford screamed as they were all seated in the living room. mable spoke first.

"well. when we got back into gravity fall about 4 months ago we took a walk through the woods and found the journals again. we took them. then about 3 months ago dipper told me how he had fallen for 'nick' before he found out that he was bill. after awhile he decided to give him a chance so he told me to hide the journals and not tell him so bill couldn't get them. then they talked and got together officially as couple." mable summarized. ford rubbed his nose frustration clearly showing.

"ok now dipper." he said as he pointed to him.

"oh well. just like mabel said. i just made a bad call. he started to hurt me as time went on. he was controlling and abusive. he's been like that for the whole time. he said if i said anything then he would hurt you guys again...i was so afraid." tapper said shaking to add to the effect. everyone was silent. then ford spoke again.

"ok well we all know how to defeat him. dipper you stay in the shack i have some stuff i can use to make a barrier to keep bill out. mable i need you to get more unicorn hair so i can make bracelets to ward bill and anything connected to him off. oh also call everyone here. looks like we need to put a end to bill once and for all." everyone muttered and agreed but tapper.

"what if there was magic similar to bill's but not his? will these barriers and bracelets work on that too?" tapper asked

"hmmm" ford sat there thinking for a second. he eyed dipper while doing so.

"no i don't think so my boy. why do you ask? is there something or one we should be cautious of?" he asks, lifting a eyebrow course.

"no of course not i'm just wondering." tapper said smiling sheepishly as to look innocent.

"hmmm good" he said walking down to his ladb to get to work.

"oh and dipper i hope you understand that i plan on killing that son of a bitch right?" ford asked stopping in the door way.

"of course and i'll do anything to help" tapper said with a evil smile.

"good" ford said walking away.

that night when everyone was asleep tapper ranaway into the wood. he had grabbed ford's memory gun from the lab as well. he had originally planed on torchering to pines family for a little before going after bill but he didn't need to get caught and have to kill them without having any fun. he planned to return after he killed bill.

bill'd pov

" ok so we need to kill tad without killing the body he's in now. correct?" will, my twin brother asked. i nodded in agreement. i asked will and pronica for help. we had broken into some house and killed the woman living here. they're the only two i trust besides the younger pine twins. pronica has sworn an oath to me when we were young and will and i were raised together . we would all play together watching as our elders made deals and found loop hole to mess with humans. tad was with us in those days as well. he was the balance between me and will. he was crazy and sadistic like me but cool headed enough to think when his anger took a hold on him, something i will never admit verbally but something i lack.

"and didn't you say he was in that little pine's boy? why do we have to not harm him?"pyronic asked. i growled at the thought of anyone hurting pinetree. i haven't told anyone about me and pine trees relationship. i loved him but if the demons found out i've mated with a human they'll think i've gone soft. i hated when people looked at me like that. almost with pity as if it was some horrible thing.

"because he has a lot of power we can use, we just need tad out of the way." i explained. they hummened in response.

"ok well how about this..." she then proceeded to go on into detail of a plan. i only paying about 80% attention. there was just one thing i was still trying to figure out.where was pinetree's soul? it's possible he's locked up in his mind but for tad to posses him they would have to make a deal. when and why would pinetree make a deal with tad? and why did he never tell me? pronica stopped talking waiting for my response to her plan. the plan was for her and will to look through a window i open and i go confront tad. if it looks like i can't handle it on my own they would come in and help. if all fails we would just lock him in a circle trap and re think. it's not the best plan but i'm tired of just having to sit around knowing my pinetree could be hurting.

"alright let's do it. tomorrow we're confronting tad." i said with determination. they nodded. agreeing with me.

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