Chapter 2

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December 2015

After almost three months, I'm finally going back home. There is a huge party going on right now. I wish I could make it but I'm pretty sure I won't. We will probably be in Austin, Texas by tomorrow morning.

My friend Paul has kept me up to date on everything. He's at the party right now and he says he saw my roommate. I never thought he was the type to party.

"So now you go to parties." Now I know why my roommate went to that party. The dude who had the party and him have a thing going on.

"Yup." He says turning around walking towards our dorm. I need to go change my clothes. This shirt needs a wash in a hurry. I'm leaving these jeans on because I have no other jeans clean. My roommate is gay and I'm over here half-naked.

Woah! is he going to fall. "Thanks for grabbing me before you know," he says trying not to look at my face or body. He's kind of funny but I don't want to laugh. "You're welcome." Still trying to hold on to my laughter.

He has to be the first gay guy that I want to be friends with. He is hilarious and I'm glad he's not mad at me. Paul heard he received an acceptance letter from Pennsylvania. He was not going to take the offer so I called for them to not accept his rejection.

"Does the light bother you," My watch says it's midnight and he is doing homework. He is slacking off, I have to help him with it. "Let me help you," Michael is so awkward around me.

After thirty minutes, I finished his physics paper. I'm good at this and I want him to transfer. Not that I don't like having him as my roommate.

Good luck with your assignment


I'm leaving this note for him to give him some confidence. They called me to be on duty. I have to leave immediately, so I won't be able to know what he got.

"Hey, Taylor what's up man," Max says smacking my head really hard. Feels great to be back in the office with these idiots. There is a lot of new people wanting to join us.

"Nothing much just thinking." For some reason, I can't stop thinking of Michael. What is up with me? He is going to think I'm into him. When I have the most gorgeous girlfriend in the world.

"Hey, ladies movie night tonight," Sean shouts slamming the door. He's the captain and we can't say no to a little fun. We fucking deserve it either way.

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