Chapter 18

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Three days later, I've been gone almost a week already. Michael must be going back to Steve. He always appears when I disappear it all seems like a joke. Why do I always do this to him? Steve would never do this to him.

Kimberly has been calling me non-stop and I have an idea of why. Last week, Sara called me to tell me she needs me to take care of Tommy. I gave her Michael's address and told her to just drop him there. She probably already did that.

"Hey, Kim looks just tell Michael to keep him. I will be there on Friday maybe." And before she keeps asking questions I hang up on her. I can't make it on Friday.

Days later to calm Michael down, I decide to call his house phone knowing he won't answer. When a lady answers and I think it's his mom. "Hello, Michael's residence." She says and I introduce myself to her for the first time. "Mam, this is Taylor I'm just calling to say I will be there on Friday. If you can tell him that." She says okay and hangs up on me before I can say anything else.

The days are passing on by quick and everything is turning into hell. Kimberly's husband died two days ago and I barely received the call. My sister is devastated and right now I'm all she has. Besides, her kids who just lost their dad.

Today is his burial and I'm making it just on time. My leg is kind of broken and I'm full of cuts. I look like an army zombie from those horror films. I don't have time to change or to clean myself.

The wind is blowing so hard today that I can barely see anything. Kimberly is standing between her in-laws. I'm just going to stand beside them as the preacher speaks.

Kimberly's friends and I are going to spend the night with her. Well, I will be staying for a few more nights. Michael is here and I think he's staying too. I can even explain how much I want to hug him and kiss him right now.

After, a long shower I put on my gray shirt and green sweatpants. Everyone is already gone and this is like my house now. When I Michael talking to Jessica. A friend of Kimberly's, who always tried to sleep with me but never could. She was such a slut and I did kiss her but that's about it.

"Hey, Taylor long time no see." She almost shouts smiling looking at Micheal. Kimberly must have told her about us because she wouldn't be doing this. I just wonder if she's here really for her or just for me.

Micheal is in the room with Kimberly talking. I'm only interrupting because I don't want to be with Jessica alone. "Sorry. I will come back another time." They both are crying and I for sure know it has to do with me.

"It's fine Taylor. I'm going to go get water for both of us." He says not even looking up at me. I've lost him and I'm glad I do not affect him anymore. He deserves so much better than me but Kimberly's husband's death woke me up.

"He's broken Taylor and one day...he might not be here. And you will be lost and broken just like he has been. You're my brother and I love you but why do you treat him that way. He lives for you and you need to wake up before it's too late.

"I love him. You know that Kimberly but I keep fucking things up. He deserves fucken hurt me to see him and not be able to fucking hug him or kiss him. The only reason I keep coming back it's for him...but..."

And my voice has broken and I have officially cracked before her.

The next day, I wake up to Kimberly walking out for a run. There is a box of cereal on the table and just went I'm about to serve myself. Jessica appears out of nowhere and joins me. With a burnt toast on her hand and the other one on my lap.

"Where is Kimberly?." Michael says appearing out of nowhere too. I missed seeing his sleepy face and hearing his squeaky voice. He always used to get so mad when I mocked him. Those moments we live in his apartment are all coming back to me. Why did I fucking leave...him.

"She went for a run, sit and eats with us," Jessica tells him and he turns to look at me. "I'm not very guys enjoy." He says before walking outside. When Kimberly walks in with her arms crossed.

"Jessica, why are you here. Are you here because of my brother or because of me? I need to know and don't lie to me right now." Wow, I have never seen my sister this pissed. Jessica can't even speak right and she looks like she wants to cry.

"I want you to leave my fucking house and get your hand off my brother's lap." Kimberly just said "fucking," what the fuck is going on. Jessica stands up and walks to her room. I turn to look at Kimberly but she walks away too.

A few minutes later, Michael and her walk to the living room to watch tv. I'm not sure if it's a good idea to join them but it's worth a shot. I slowly sit down next to them on the couch.

"So...we want to see The Avengers or something...which one do you recommend," Kimberly asks and I know what she's doing. I tell her to put the first one. "How's your leg," she asks and Michael turns to look at it.

"Are you bleeding?." He asks and I turn down to look at my leg. Ever since the accident, I can't feel my leg. The fall was horrible, I cut my face, chest, and legs. We were about to attack when I tripped on a huge branch. I was unconscious for a day.

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