Chapter 8

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Every day I can't stop reading them over and over. Michael did a good job on them. The issue is that I made him suffer so much in it. Who would even want to hurt a guy like him? Michael is such an unusual guy.

He wrote about Steve and it makes me wonder does he know. I doubt Michael told him about them. They make him look like a begging dog.

This is so crazy that I'm desperate to escape and go look for him.

We are already going into November, and they still need me here. Max has been pressuring me to lie about a sickness but that never works. I also been wanting to tell Kimberly about this and see what Michael tells her.

He's probably going crazy imaging me reading them. I'm pretty sure another guy in my place would be mad. When I like them and find them kind of cute.

A girl would have never done this and certainly not, Nicole. Who I'm thinking of divorcing. One of her friends sent me an update on her and it's ridiculous. She's been hanging out with her ex and drinking every single day.

Kimberly went to see her and she never opened the door. She always tried to warn me about Nicole. My whole crew never liked her neither. I honestly don't know what I saw in her after all this time.

Today, I have finally decided to send in a request for a divorce. I'm notifying her first before someone else does. This letter I'm writing will let her down easy:

Dear Nicole,

We have been through so much and I thank you for always being there for me. You always supported me in becoming someone. This is hard for me to write but I think we should separate. You and I, we rushed and I think it's for the best.

I love you and loved you but things are just not working anymore. We have come a long way and I hope we can at least be friends after this.



She will be receiving this letter in two weeks or so. I'm on the other side of the world and I'm still panicking. Nicole will probably go to Kimberly's house.

I'm pretty sure she's going to write me back. Max says she is probably going to shoot me when I go back. These guys can't take anything seriously.

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