Chapter 15

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"Taylor. Hey, wake up. Please." Michael? With one eye open, I see him run towards the door. Someone is here and I'm half-naked on the floor. That is probably he smacked me to wake up.

What took you so long." Steve? They're still friends? Shit!. I have to intimidate him but how... Well, here goes nothing. And well, I have decided to walk out with nothing but my black briefs.

"Taylor is staying here," Michael says with a forced smiled looking at me. I can tell Steve is fucking pissed. He probably wants me from the way he looked at me. This bread sucks not even in the Military they have this kind.

"Very funny, Taylor." He's mad. shit! "We are getting married, Steve proposed to me a few weeks ago. Why did you have to do that." What he proposed to him? Steve and him? When did this happen? That mother fucker.

"Do you love him. Because I know for sure that you don't. You love me and you know it." I know he does, Steve knows that and he knows that. Yesterday was not whatever it was something strong. Michael is insane for saying yes to him.

"I don't love you. I love him and he loves me. You hurt me remember that. You said you weren't gay and that you couldn't be with me. You took me to heaven and dropped me to hell. He brought me back to life when you killed me. He is my heaven, you are my hell, and I fell right into the trap again."

He's right but I made a fucking mistake."I made a mistake. You were the only person that ever did love me. And I hurt you. I'm sorry, but you love me still and yesterday was proof of that. I love you and I have changed." I'm even crying and actually feel broken.

"Taylor. I'm marrying Steve no matter what. You can stay here but we won't happen again." He doesn't mean that it can't be true that he's over me. We belong together. Fuck! This must be how he felt when I left.

"Give me another chance." He can give me one more chance.

"One last chance. But I am not breaking off the engagement. Steve doesn't deserve it and I wouldn't be able to live with it." Yes! I knew Michael couldn't end us. We have something so passionate about something unusual. He and I always collide.

"So...what should we do," I ask him pacing back and forth on his carpet. He turns to look at me amused and says: "I don't know you decide." Michael is really enjoying this.

"I have an idea. We have two years without knowing anything about each other. Let's talk about what has happened in our lives in those two years." He says moving to the other side of the couch. I take a seat uncomfortable next to him and clear my throat.

"Well, I met a know and she...well we...made a baby." He needs to know before its too late." And what happened. Why are you not with her." Michael's voice has changed it sounds like he wants to cry. I knew this would hurt him.

"Well, I left as usual. And we end it very badly. A few months later, I received a letter from her. The letter had a photo of a baby boy and she explained everything. She didn't want me to know but then she changed her mind...his name is little Tom." He's crying and now I'm sure he's broken. Where is he going?

He's locked himself in his room. "Can you please talk to me." My voice is so low but I know he can hear me. "Why did you do it. Why didn't you protect yourself? And how could you ask me for another chance? You have a baby and he needs you. She needs you and you belong with them. I think this is a sign for me that I should stay with Steve." He's right but I refuse to let Steve stay with him. He will never love him like he loves me. And I will never have what I have with him.

"I love you. I'm fucking gay and I'm in love with you. The first day, when we first met it was obvious to me. Kimberly asked me right away if I was gay...and at first, I thought I couldn't be. With those stories you wrote, I decided to give it a chance. And I did love you but the army guys...they weren't with it. A few weeks later, we went to Chicago and I met a girl. She was drunk and so was I...the problem is... that I couldn't stop thinking of you." And it's true and now I'm on the floor begging for his forgiveness.

"Okay. I believe you please...stop crying. I love you, Taylor." He says pulling me up and taking me towards his bed. We both lay down and pulls my arms around him. "I'm sorry," I whisper to him repeatedly falling asleep while hugging him. 

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