Chapter 16

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This must be a dream because Michael is all in white walking towards me. Everything is so white as if we're in heaven and he is an angel. "Taylor, I'm all yours." My beautiful Michael this for sure has to be a dream.

"What time is it," I tell him barely opening my eyes, he woke me up. "Seven-thirty. We slept almost the whole day...I'm going to go watch tv." He says and I follow right behind him. "What do you want to watch," Michael asks and I don't really care right now.

I'm sitting on the floor with my legs crossed still taking everything in. He puts on an Adam Sandler movie and we both laugh all the way. When his phone rings and he gets up quickly. A few minutes later he goes into his room and comes out dressed up.

"Steve is coming for you." He looks at me ashamed and I pretend like I'm on my phone. Michael shouldn't feel this way, after all, they're engaged and I'm just the other one. And here he is, I'm going to his room and text Kimberly for advice.

The rain is coming in strong this night it sounds horrible outside. When I walk to the kitchen, Michael is standing in the rain shouting. He broke off the engagement with Steve. Michael does love me after all and this proves it.

"Taylor, please don't make me regret this." He says crying and running into my arms. Without, even thinking I decide to kiss him and he kisses me back. I walking him over to the living room and drop him on the carpet. He slowly pulls my shirt off and I slowly remove his. I'm breathing on his neck while his moaning loudly. Michael is already ready but we're going slow this time. He moves down to my chest and kisses it slowly. And move him up quickly and remove his pants. He moans loudly as I pick up his legs a little bit to shove it in him. I'm moving it inside him slowly while I watch how tears roll down from his eyes. This is more than love it's something stronger what we have. Our sex is always changing but this has to be the best we have ever had.

The next day, I wake up to him leaving to I'm guessing work. "Good morning. Are you leaving already?." He turns to look at me then at his alarm and runs out. I think he's running late and Michael is never late for anything.

My watch says it's 7:21, it's still early but I'm going for a walk. His laptop! Michael left forgot his laptop. Last time, he did that my life changed completely. I wonder if he still writes about me?

Either way, I think I should take it to him. He's a literature teacher at the same college we went too. Shit! I have to get a taxi it's really far from here. Michael might need it right now and is probably going crazy.

Ten minutes...later the taxi is finally here for me. It's- been so long since I've been there. Michael is going to freak when he sees me at his door. Everything looks different or is it just that I forgot.

Well, the traffic is still the same and the campus still looks the same. Michael's room is close to the entrance it was where he had his literature class. I never went to that class and I had it too when we were here.

Here I go..."Hey, Mr.Garza you forgot your laptop at home." I knock opening the door slowly. He smiles and walks up to me quickly," Thank you, I was in such a hurry." Michael says when a girl interrupts us.

"Hi, I'm Alexa." A pretty brown-hair girl says and I can tell she is trouble. I shake her hand and turn to wink at Michael. Well, that was fun he was actually jealous back there. I'm bringing him lunch because I need to know what happened after I left. 

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