Time Split : Episode Two

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"Who made you do it?" the Doctor asked.

"Goldbeard," Harley murmered.


Harley gasped as his hand detached from the wall and he fell to the floor.

"He's been shot," Daniel bent down to examine Harley's body.

"From where?" Stacy looked around.

The Doctor put his head in his hands. "I'm an idiot. I made him speak and he died for it. I even kept him still for an easy target. I might as well have executed him."

"There," Stacy pointed to a nearby cliff.

A gunman was visible, pointing a sniper in there direction.

"The gun is still pointed at us," Daniel observed.

"Oh dear," the Doctor murmered.


It missed.

"Scatter," Stacy yelled as they all moved in different directions.


The Doctor leaped out of the way of the bullet that soared past him.

Daniel ran all the way across the beach to the hole Harley had blown up. He croached down and hid wondering where Stacy had gone.


Stacy jumped as she peeked over the rocks she was hiding behind.

She saw where Daniel was and tried to get his attention.

The Doctor hid behind the ruins that the Tardis was parked in.


Another shot went into the ground, metres away from the Doctor.

The Doctor saw Daniel peeking out of the hole, he saw the Doctor and mouthed.

"What do we do?"

"Stay there," the Doctor mouthed back.


Daniel tucked his head back in as a shot was fired at him.

The shot damaged the cliff and the overhang of the hole collapsed and cracked, falling on Daniel.

Watching it fall, Stacy felt sick.

While she was distracted, the gunman got a clear shot.


It missed only by a few centimetres as Stacy fell onto the sand.

The sniper gave up and began to pack his gun away.

The Doctor peeked around the ruins and saw the gunman packing away.

He took advantage of the moment and went the direction opposite of Stacy.

Over the rocks an on to a different part of the beach.

Stacy also realised the gunman was leaving and ran across the beach to Daniel.

The began pushing rocks to one side looking for him.

"Daniel!" She cried.

He emerged from underneath the rubble and hugged her.

"Are you okay?" He asked her gasping for breath.

"Your asking me," she said in disbelief.

Daniel leant forward and kissed her. "Wheres the Doctor?"

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