Turn Off the Light : Episode Three

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The smoke viciously choked Daniel as he gasped for the slightest bit of oxygen.

"Help!" He rasped as the fire spread off the wall.

The cabinet he was trapped under had now caught fire.

It continued to spread up the cabinet to meet him.

He coughed and coughed.

It felt like he was coughing the life out of himself.

He was seconds away from death.


The wall behind him exploded and a woman emerged from behind.

"Dont ask questions," she ran over to him, picked up a bar from the floor and used it to lift the cabinet up. "Shuffle!"

Daniel shuffled out from underneath. "Thank you! What's your name."

"Maya," she spoke as Daniel turned to leave through the exploded wall. "Where are you going?"

"Back where you came from," Daniel answered. "Its not like we can go back through the fire."

"Its just as dangerous going back that way then it is going through the fire this way," Maya coughed as she entered the first part of the fiery barnhouse.

"What back there is as dangerous as fire?" Daniel asked her.

"Did I say as dangerous?" Maya snapped. "What's back there is more dangerous."

"What is back there?" Daniel followed her into the first part of the barnhouse.

"I was part of a group of eight," Maya explained. "I'm the last one because of those things."

"What things?" Daniel leaped out of the way as the ceiling gave way on both sides, the way back to the second part of the barnhouse was blocked but so was the entrance. "Now look!"

"Take my hand!" Maya coughed.

"We have nowhere to go," Daniel rasped. "We're trapped."

"Not quite," Maya looked around and used her other hand to shield her eyes from the light of the fire. "There is always a way out, have faith!"

"Why should I trust you?" Daniel looked at the hand she had offered him.

"Because I just saved your life," she exclaimed.

"Fair enough," Daniel took her hand.

"Good," Maya yelled as she dragged him through the room. "Now on 3, we charge at that wall."

"What!?" Daniel yelled. "Are you mad?"

"Must be," she smiled. "But you trust me, you said it."

"The wall wont just give way," Daniel was panicking.

"Calm down," Maya reassured him. "Are you ready?"

"Evidently not!" Daniel was freaking out.

"1," Maya yelled. "2, 3."

They both charged at the wall and crashed straight through it, exposing a stash of Petrolida.

Daniel could see the house again and was reminded he couldn't get in.

"This should hold them off," Maya grabbed large bottles of the Petrolida and threw them into the fire.

"There gonna explode!" Daniel yelled.

"Run and take cover!" Maya and Daniel ran full speed away from the barnhouse and leaped away as it exploded, shooting debris over the house.

"Are you okay?" Daniel asked Maya.

"Fine," Maya shrugged as she got to her feet. "I just hope we delayed them a little longer."

"Delayed what?" Daniel asked.

"My ship, my crew got a distress signal from them," Maya began to explain. "We didnt know where it was coming from, it seemed to come from all around us. Next minute our ship was in this tunnel of bright light and we ended up in a place similar to this. They were searching for bodies, strong enough to hold their souls. Our bodies weren't strong enough so all 7 of my crew were atomised. I barely escaped."

"One of my friends was atomised too," Daniel bit his lip.

"Dont panic," Maya gasped.

"My friend was atomised, of course I panicked."

"No," Maya was looking behind him. "One of them is right there."

Daniel slowly turned around to see what he was up against.

He gasped. "A weeping angel."

"You know of them?" Maya asked.

"A bit," Daniel tried to recall what he had read about them. "Dont look away, dont even blink!"

"Yeah, I know that," Maya would have rolled her eyes if an angel wasnt in front of her.

"Dont look directly in their eyes," Daniel recited the lines from the book. "An image of an angel can become an angel, except from that book I read. Anti-angel paper, very clever."

Maya screamed as Daniel heard a snap from behind him.

The Angel's had got her while her back was turned Daniel saw another angel stood in the flaming barnhouse.

He ran full speed around the back of the house, keeping his eyes on as many Angel's as he could.

Around the back was scaffolding.

"Brilliant," he exclaimed as the moon in the sky flickered darker. "Not so brilliant."

Angel's advanced from around the other side of the house.

Between flickers of the moon, they had just enough time to move and advance on Daniel.

He climbed the scaffolding with Angel's climbing up fast behind him.

He slowly reached the top and smashed the window open, climbing in.

Of course, Angel's followed him in as he ran through.

"Doctor!" He yelled. "Its Weeping Angel's."

As the Doctor had already been atomised, there was no reply.

He was calling out, to nobody.

A bathroom door was open, he leaped inside and locked the door.

Angel's started to pound on the door as he looked at the toilet.

"Oh my god!" He observed the colossal size of the toilet as he climbed in. "I hope the pipes are as big as this is, otherwise I'm getting crushed."

He pulled the handle and flushed himself away down the toilet.

Angel's had jumped and were falling down the pipes with him.

They turned more horizontal then vertical as Daniel continued to slide down further and further.

As the Angel's were much heavier than him, they had started to advance.

"A little further," he thought to himself.

Suddenly he felt a hand grip his back and voices filled his head.

"Turn off the light!" The Angel's were telepathically communicating.

The lights in the pipes flickered off as the Angel's further behind pointed at them.

Just before the lights went out he saw cracks form in the Angel that had grabbed him.

Light escaped through these gaps until the Angel exploded, releasing its soul.

The lights went out as Daniel's soul was kicked out of his body.

The Angel attempted to inhabit Daniel's body but it couldn't handle the power.

His body turned to dust.

Daniel's body was gone too.

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