Geological Evolution: Episode Four

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They both spun around.

"Can I join you," the Doctor appeared behind them.

"Aaaargh," Anir moaned as pain erupted in his mind.

Doctor! Tardis! The Diamond!

"What's wrong with him?" The Doctor asked.

"I'm not sure," Sandra was confused. "But it looks like the egg is hatching."

Smash the diamond!

Anir pulled a pink diamond out of his pocket and threw it on the floor.

Smash it!

Anir took some form of device out of his pocket.

Do it!

He threw the device at the diamond and it shattered launching regeneration energy at Anir.







"Wow," the Rani choked. "That was interesting."

The egg shell fell apart and what was inside, climbed out.

A baby Silurian.

"Aw," Sandra cooed at it.

"Who are you," the Doctor gasped as he realised the diamond had a Time Lord life in it. "You're a Time Lord. You must have used a chameleon arch to put your soul into the diamond."

"Doctor, after all these years I'm dissapointed," the Rani sighed. "I'm the Rani."

"Oh," the Doctor stared wide eyed at her. "Yo- Your a man."

"Well observed," the Rani smirked. "I dont like it either, when I was a woman I had a bit more oomph."

"Wa," the baby Silurian stared up at them. Sandra bent down and picked it up.

"You're right Doctor," Sandra rocked the Silurian as it smiled up at her. "This is just a kid, we must take it back to its parents."

"Where am I?" The Rani asked the Doctor. "I hid from the Time War, like the Master."

"Oh," the Doctor avoided eye contact. "That was thousands and thousands of years ago."

"What?" The Rani began to breathe heavily. The Doctor assumed it was anger.

"The Time War ended thousands of years ago," the Doctor broke the news as painlessly as he could. "That's not what destroyed Gallifrey though."

"What did destroy Gallifrey?" The Rani contemplated the news.

"The Master," the Doctor cringed at the mention of the name.

The Rani turned and pulled a device out of his pocket.

"I must go," he pushed a button on the device and a triangular Tardis materialised.

He climbed inside it and dematerialised.

"Right," the Doctor turned to Sandra who was confused over what just happened. "You need to shut down this whole operation and give them their baby back."

"Okay," Sandra nodded. "Can you come and help me?"

"Yes," the Doctor smiled at her. "I'm glad you've come around. I've had Silurian versus Human encounters before and they haven't gone well."

They walked out of the mountain.

"What do you mean?" Sandra asked.

"Back in the 1970's a UNIT division blew up a Silurian network," the Doctor started but then realised something was glowing behind him.

The bright light.

"What is that?" Sandra asked.

"No matter," the Doctor quickly turned to her. "Run, I'm sorry I cant be there just give the baby to the Silurians and give them what they want. I have to go."


"Run," the Doctor yelled.

She took one last look at him before running across the beach towards a band of Silurians waiting for her in front of the purple rocks.

The Doctor walked into the tunnel of light and was taken back through time.

Back to Gallifrey.

* * *

The Doctor collapsed onto a hard, shaking Gallifreyan floor to see Daniel staring down at him.

"Come on!" Daniel hurried the Doctor as the Doctor got to his feet. "We have to get back to the Tardis."

"What's going on?" The Doctor asked.

"When we arrived," Stacy appeared from behind them and started an explanation. "This woman called Nersha told us she controlled the Time Split to get your attention. After that the citadel became under attack."

"From what?" the Doctor asked.

"Exterminate!" A Dalek slid into the room and started firing blasts at them. "The Doctor is located!"

"Daleks!" The Doctor yelled as they all ran out of the room. "The only time Daleks have been on Gallifrey is during the Time War. This must be the beginning, the first day."

"Dont worry about that at the moment," Stacy sighed whilst ducking from a shot. "Worry about survival."

They entered the main conference room to find piles of corpses and a carved in ceiling.

"The Tardis," Daniel looked in worry at the Tardis that was almost completely buried by mateirial from the ceiling.

"Come on!" The Doctor started shifting debris away from the Tardis. "Help!"

"Wait!" Stacy gasped. "I have an idea! You two hide over there."

"What?" The Doctor laughed in disbelief.

"Just do what she says," Daniel moved the Doctor to hide under a pile of debris.

The Dalek slid into the room as Stacy placed herself right infront of the Tardis.

"Exterminate!" The Dalek yelled as it fired at her.

She leaped out of the way as it hit the debris covering the Tardis.

The debris exploded, making a clear path to the Tardis.

"Quick!" The Doctor snapped his fingers, opening the door as they all ran in.

"Go, GO!" Daniel slammed the door shut behind them.

The Doctor put one hand on the console and was taken into some strange mental state.

* * *

"Dont," he heard his voice so he stood up. He saw himself talking to Stacy. "Please dont."

She had her hands on a lever, in some strange tank. "I have to. It's the only way."


She pulled the lever a the tank filled with dark red light, it looked like it was draining her life from her.

"Doctor!" Daniel's voice echoed in his ears.

* * *

"Doctor!" The Doctor broke out of his state and ran around the console.

He flipped levers and lifted the Tardis off the ground.

Outside the Tardis, 3 Daleks were rapidly firing at it.


Inside, the console overloaded and they fell full speed through the Time Vortex.

"Guys," Daniel yelled as he held on to the organic Tardis console.

"Prepare!" The Doctor yelled. "Prepare for emergency materialisation!"

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